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b r o o k e

I haven't gone to school in two days and my parents haven't noticed. I don't know what to do anymore. I haven't taken my medication in two days either but I don't care right now. That's not what I'm worried about.

I don't know if I should break up with Harry. What he did was an asshole move, I didn't like that and I certainly don't want a boyfriend who's going to treat me like that in front of everyone.

I've been crying for these past two days and I haven't seen Harry. He hasn't even bothered to come and talk about what happened. I'm just really sad right now.

My parents are getting a divorce, it's official. If I break up with Harry, I'm going to choose my dad. I want to go back to where I was at before. I don't want to be here. I want to move back to London. I just want to be somewhere away from this god forsaken place.

All I've been doing is eating and listening to depressing music. God, I haven't even showered. I haven't found any motivation to get out of bed. The only times I get out of bed is to go to the restroom or to go get food. My mom knows I'm sad but she doesn't know that I haven't been going to school for two days. They call her because I was marked absent but I tell her that teacher's forget to call my name.

"Brooke?" I head Harry say as I was under my covers. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I need to talk to you." He said. "Can I see your face? How are you doing?"

"Let's see, I haven't been going to school for these past two days, I haven't taken my medication, I'm under my covers refusing to see you, my parents are getting divorced, I'm being bullied at school not only by the jocks but my boyfriend is also bullying me, I don't even know if I want you as my boyfriend anymore, and I haven't showered in two days. Life is great." I said with sarcasm. I felt Harry sit down on the edge of my bed and touch my back. "Don't touch me."

"Look, Brooke. I'm really sorry. The second I said it, I regretted it. I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking, I just didn't want to lose my popularity. It feels good to have a lot of friends." Harry said. He uncovered me as I moaned of pain.

"You care more about losing your popularity than losing your girlfriend?" I asked and looked at him. "Wow, thank you for implying that. Now I've made my decision."

"Decision of what?" Harry asked.

"I'm breaking up with you. Now get out." I looked away and covered myself up again.

"No, Brooke. I'm not going to let you do this. You can't break up with me!" Harry yelled. "You're all I have!"

I stood up and pushed him to the window, "You have your stupid friends and your stupid popularity. Get out of my house, Harry. It's over."

"Brooke, give me a chance. I love you." Harry whined.

"If you loved me, then you wouldn't have said that!" I yelled and sat down. "Get out of here, Harry! Get out!"

I started throwing things at him as I cried.

"You're just overreacting! You haven't taken your medication!" Harry yelled. I laughed and pushed him.

"I know what I'm doing, okay? Even if I had taken my medication, this would've still have happened. Remember when everyone thought you were weird and I still hung out with you? I never denied to anyone that you were my friend." I looked down and refused to look at him.

"Brooke.." Harry whispered.

"Get out." I repeated. Harry sighed and jumped out of the window. I closed the window and started to cry. I regret breaking up with Harry, I do. But he cares more about his rep than me.

Now, just because we broke up doesn't mean I'm going to tell everyone his secret. It's still safe with me. I would never tell anyone his secret because then I would ruin his life and his family's. Believe me, I care about his life than I do with mines.

"Brooke, why aren't you at school?" Mom came in and sighed.

I was still crying and I refused to look at her.

"Are you okay?" She walked up to me and grabbed me. "What's wrong?"

"What isn't?" I asked as I sat down with her.

"What are you talking about, sweetie?" Mom asked.

"You and dad are getting a divorce, I'm thinking about going with dad because I get bullied, my boyfriend.. Ex boyfriend denied that I was his girlfriend to his friends because I'm weird and he's popular, I just broke up with him, I haven't gone to school for two days, and I haven't taken my medication.." I explained and looked down.

"Don't go with Dad. He cheated on me, are you seriously considering this?" Mom asked.

"Now that you mention it, no. I'll stay with you then. But I just don't want to be bullied anymore. You know, at first I didn't have a problem with it but now I do. Maybe it's because Harry decided to do that." I shrugged and looked down.

"What did he do? What did he say?"

"He kissed me in front of everyone which was so sweet but then some jocks told him that why was he kissing me and stuff. Then, Harry said 'Her? She isn't my girlfriend. She was the one who kissed me. What a weirdo, right?'" I said as I still cried.

"Don't cry, Brooke. He just wasn't worth it if he did that to you." Mom wiped the tears off of my face and smiled. "Just be you, sweetie. Ignore what everyone says. Stay in your own little bubble."

I looked down and though about what she said.

"I'm going to get something to eat, you want something?" Mom asked as she stood up.

"Tacos would be good." I smiled. Mom nodded and walked out of the room.

I had an idea. I'm going to get myself fixed up again. I went into the restroom to shower and put my music on. It's Thursday night and I'm going get ready for school tomorrow. Tomorrow everyone is going to see a new Brooke Ramsey.

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