Life Log #6

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Should I still count the days? I don't really know. I mean, I do have to document everything just to make sure I know every single thing that happened after that moment. I guess it's part of the journey. That makes me wonder: how was I quickly adopted just a day after my family's death? How did all of this happen to me in just   ҉n҉҉i҉҉n҉҉e҉҉d҉҉a҉҉y҉҉s҉҉?

9 days after the incident:

Saturday. What's better than a fresh cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows to start your day? Cereal? Nah we don't have any cereal. Anyway, I'm more of a guy that likes drinking hot beverage in the morning. I also like tea, but not coffee. Coffee tastes weird in general. Zoe and I cooked a few bacon chips and grilled cheese for breakfast. It was pretty nice, if you ask me. After that, we had a 30-minute morning jog, followed by an hour of Pilates. Let me tell you, it was torture. I can't even do a minute plank. Zoe claimed that it's good for the body and that I'll eventually get used to it. Well, guess what, reader? My stomach, back, arms, legs, and ass are in deep pain, and they still hurt while I'm writing this.

"I'll tell ya, training in R.Y.'s gonna be much worse than this. I'm preparing you for what's about to come. This thing we're doing right here, is a way to relax a little."

"What was training like?"

"The first days of training will physically torture your entire body. Literally."

"Well count me out."

"Too late, Taylor. You signed up for it."


"Don't worry that much. You still have nine days. Take lots of deep breaths and hope that your brother is still alive."

"I hope so. Wherever he is, I hope his little innocent soul is safe from danger."

"So... wanna do more exercises or should we stop here?"

"I'd like to stop." I laughed. "I've had enough for today."

"Okay. So... you wanna do something else?"

"I don't really know what else to do. We technically have almost all the time in the world."

"Wanna play pool?"

"I'd rather swim."

"Great choice. We could try out the swimwear I bought you."

"Wait, what?"

I didn't know we bought swimwear.

"Yeah. Remember?"

Did I write that in Life Log #3?

"I don't remember."

"Oh wait, I think it's my fault. I haven't told you about it. I bought you some swimwear. Don't worry, I bought some rush guards and shorts. I might have had them packaged in a separate shopping bag."

So... she bought me swimwear for both genders? Cool, I guess. But the thing is, I might look hideous in girl's swimwear. Still, there is a part of me that wanted to explore these curiosities.

Zoe and I went to her room and gave me two medium-sized shopping bags.

"I mean, your body's physique is a bit on the feminine side. Why not flaunt it in the summer, you know? Tell the people to f*** off if they look at you crazy."

"I was thinking if this is too much. I feel like I'm not wearing that in public."

"Well, your choice. You are curious to find out, right?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"It doesn't really hurt to try. We're not even in public. Also, it's just the two of us here. No one's gonna look at you and laugh. So... do you wanna try it out?"

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