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Just keep running.

The druid's voice rang in her mind as the young woman burst through the woods, running as quickly as she could. She had been replaying her master's voice in her head as she ran.

"What do you do if you're outnumbered and you're alone?"

And that's what she was doing. She ignored the mewling sounds from behind her as she weaved through the trees, panting heavily as she tried to place any amount of distance between herself and the infected drow that were following closely behind.

Her ribs ached and her chest tightened as she grew tired. The drow half-elf lifted her hands, forcing flames from her palms.

Eyes widening, she watched them as they scurried across the trench, unbothered.


She continued running again and didn't stop. Her feet were hurting and her legs were ready to give out from beneath her. She ran until she tripped over an enlarged root from the ground, face planting into the ground. Gritting her teeth and huffing in pain, the woman turned over and stared up at them.

They were right there, beastly and murderous as they approached her.

This is it, she thought. This is where I die.

Closing her eyes and shielding her head, she was ready for the blow. But as the ground began to rumble beneath her, she lifted her head and watched as they collapsed on the ground.

The loud, roaring growl echoed, and the familiar cave bear jumped over the woman, burying one of the infected into the ground. She staggered to her feet, watching the remaining drow disappear from sight.

As the bear raised his paw and swiped, blood spewed across the closest tree as the drow's body fell limp.

The bear slowly turned, and began to transform. She watched as the human stood upright, returning to his rather tall height. The glowing yellow eyes slowly disappeared, returning to his original hazel orbs.

She sighed of relief as he stepped towards her. She was expecting to me cursed or even shouted at, but as Halsin grabbed her arms and examined her intently with a look of concern, she eased.

"Roralei, are you all right?" He asked. "Are you hurt?"

Roralei shook her head. "No, thanks to you. I'm sorry, Master Halsin. I was just trying to train. I didn't realize there were any infected nearby."

Halsin inhaled. "I'm glad you remembered what I said instead of trying to fight them off alone. Surely then, you'd be dead. Or worse, you'd be one of them."

The man turned and stared down at the dead drow. Roralei watched him as he kneeled, studying the blotching skin.

"What will you do now?" She asked him.
"I want to take him back to camp and do some more research." He said. "But I want to ask you doing so far out in the forest, this late?"

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