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When Roralei woke, everything seemed to surface all at once. She remembered trying to save Halsin, to being in his arms until the moment she wasn't.

Opening her eyes as she jolted awake alarmed, she turned to see two healers standing nearby. The youngest looked at her and smiled.

"Welcome back!"

Roralei shook her head. "Halsin—Where is Halsin?"
The girl tried to stand, but her muscles were tense and ached as she moved. The male elf turned and stopped her.

"Relax, Roralei. You're still recovering."
She had seen him before. He was one of Nettie's friends, who had a crush on her at some point. She remembered her talking about him.

"So, I'm back in the grove?" She asked him as he pushed her back against the cot.
"Yes. You probably don't remember much, but you were poisoned. And you also have a few broken ribs, but they will heal with time."

He placed his hands on the younger girl's shoulders. "We'll be back, just stay here. . ."

She laid there with a sigh, wincing slightly at the discomfort it brought. As she laid her arms over her stomach and turned her head, she stared blankly into space as the candles around her flicked their small flames. The tent she was in was nothing compared to the druid chambers, or even Halsin's.

Roralei turned her head as the tent opened and in came Halsin, hunched to match its height. The tall man lifted his head, focusing his eyes on the woman.

"You're awake, thank the oak fathers." He said with relief. "I was afraid I hadn't started treatment in time, but you fought through it."

The woman stared at him, and Halsin's eyes softened. "Roralei, I—"
"Do you realize what you did to me? When you up and left? For a moment, I considered it being the best thing to happen. I actually thought to myself, maybe this was for the best. But I couldn't stand it. No matter, not even after the things you've said to me."

"If I could take everything I said back, I would. I was angry, but not with you. I was angry with myself, and I took it out on you. I am sorry, Roralei. Truly. I did not mean to put you through any of this."

She turned to look away from him. "I think you should go. I know now you're safe and you're alive, but I need you to leave my tent."

He crouched back towards the tent flaps. "If that is what you wish. But your friends are here, to make sure you're all right."

Exiting the tent, there was rustling before a familiar tiefling popped her head inside of the tent.

"Oh, you're awake, good." Tav smiled as she slipped inside with Shadowheart and Astarion following behind. "We didn't know if you were going to make it. Halsin was worried sick."

"We were all worried, thank you very much." Astarion said to her. "Look at you now, dear. You're no longer as pale as I am."

Shadowheart smiled gently at her. "Halsin was horrified. He didn't have everything he needed to extract the venom, but he had enough to slow it down. He was really worried about you."

Roralei sat up slowly. "Well, I'm here. And so is he."
Astarion rose a brow. "Oh, no, is there trouble in paradise? After everything you two have been through?"

Tav rammed her elbow into Astarion's torso gently.
"Just hold on to the fact that you were so worried he wasn't alive. He was the same way you were."

Astarion crossed his arms over his chest. "Honestly, I don't know why Halsin didn't think to ask me to pull the venom from your blood."

"Probably because you would be poisoned?" Shadowheart asked confusedly.

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