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Halsin stepped forward as he cradled Thaniel to his chest. He examined the shore, taking note of the dozens of black feathers, blood and more littering the sand. He looked at each one of them, including Roralei.

The druid dismissed her form, balancing herself on her feet as she returned to her natural form. He noticed the blood on her cheek and her arms, but she seemed unfazed.

"Thank the Oak Father." She muttered, rushing forward.

Halsin kneeled and placed Thaniel gently on the ground.

"Oh, Gods. Is he dead?"

"No. But something is wrong. Dreadfully wrong."

He moved his hand over Thaniel's body as he gasped. "No, it can't be. . ."

"What is it?" Shadowheart asked.

"Part of him is missing. He is. . . Hollow. I need to examine him back at camp."

Lifting the child into his arms, he teleported immediately from their sight.

"Damn it,"

And with that, she disappeared back to camp.

They had set a campsite up behind the Inn on the shore that day. When they returned to camp, Roralei tended to Tav's wounds.

"I could heal these, you know." Roralei stated as she wiped the blood from the tiefling's skin.

"Yeah, but you could save that for the perfect moment, when I need to be healed. I could get crushed by an ogre's hand, struck by lightning and burnt to a crisp. Then, when that happens, you can heal me."

Roralei chuckled. "I'll hold you to that."

It was silent for another minute when Tav looked up at her. "So, you successfully shifted back there. No hesitation, no mistakes were made."

"I'm just as surprised as you are." She commented as she applied a salve to her wound.

"You seriously need to stop doubting your skills. It happened, you should be excited. You're getting closer and closer to—"

"I'm angry because Halsin didn't want me to go with him because I make mistakes. You heard him."

"No, he went alone, because he needed to be the one to do it. You heard him, he studied for a long time and he was finally given the opportunity. This didn't have anything to do with you."

Roralei knew she was right, but she couldn't help but worry that she was far too inexperienced and young to keep Halsin with her. She had been his student for a long time, and now was his partner.

"I think you are afraid that Halsin will not accept your mistakes." She said. "But you don't need to worry about that. You weren't there to hear him bragging about you this morning to Jaheira."

Her heart swelled. "He what?"

She nodded. "He was telling her how amazing you are. That you both have been through so much in the past five years. That he wouldn't change anything."

The tent opened, and Astarion entered. "And then he started on about enjoying natures gifts, or something close to that. I lost interest, honestly."

He looked Tav over and hummed.

"Gods, you're beautiful." He murmured. "There's something about you with battle scars, it does something to me."

Roralei placed the salve in his hand. "Care to finish up for her, then? Before you jump her bones?"

He took the small can. "Please. This is hardly the time. Unless. . ."

Tav rolled her eyes, watching her partner smirk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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