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Memories from the night before played in her mind for the rest of the night, until Roralei woke early the next morning. She couldn't stop thinking of how his lips felt against her skin, hovering her heat and holding her perfectly. It was everything she imagined; and more.

As she woke, she rolled to her side in realization that she was alone. Sitting up slowly, she noticed the piece of slightly torn parchment on the bedroll beside her.

Do not be afraid if you wake alone. I will be at the river, preparing for our journey to Moonrise. H.

As she shifted on the floor, she groaned lightly at the slight pain and discomfort she received between her legs and into her legs. But the pleasure was far greater than the pain.

Gathering her things, Roralei broke down her tent after getting dressed before grouping with the rest of the camp. Tav was speaking with Shadowheart when Astarion approached, holding a book beneath his arm.

The man's nose wrinkled. "Gods, you absolutely reek of sex." And then he smirked. "Congratulations. Although, I do wish you were a tad quieter. I found it difficult to fall asleep last night."

Roralei's cheeks burned a bright red as the druid slung her pack over her shoulder.

She watched as Halsin appeared, carrying a net that held several fish. The druid smirked as he raised the net.

"We'll be feasting for days." He said. As he set the net down, he walked toward Roralei and smiled.

"The sun doesn't shine as bright as you do." He said softly. "Are you ready for Moonrise?"

"Yes, I've packed my things." She answered.
Halsin noticed her slight hesitance as she moved to bend. "Are you all right?"

"I'm pretty sure you've broken her, Halsin." Shadowheart whispered over his shoulder. Roralei huffed in annoyance.

"Did I hurt you?" He asked her quietly. His voice was laced with concern, and his eyes were alert as he watched her.

"I promise you, I'm fine." She answered just above a whisper. The druid cupped her face in his hand.

"Perhaps when we reach the inn, I may prepare a nice warm bath for you."

The woman nodded. "Is that a promise?"
He laughed. "I believe it is, yes."

The woman pressed her lips to his, feeling his hand press to the small of her back as he kissed her back. He was warm, his lips sweet against hers to the point she didn't want to pull away.

It wasn't much further until they would reach the Shadowlands. On their journey, Halsin had told them a story from his past, which lead to several questions from them all.

"So, how did you get those scars, then?" Shadowheart asked, addressing to the scars upon his face.

The man chuckled. "Well, I made the mistake in passing through a she-bears territory during a time where they were a tad more. . . Excited. She tried to claim me as her own, and she was not very happy that I tried to reject the offer."

Roralei laughed. "It reminds me of the time when we were fishing back near the grove. Do you remember that cub that had tried to claim you as its own? It was so—"

Roralei was cut off by the loud, eerie sound of a distant growling and chattering. The chattering was worrisome, sounding as if it was coming from a skeleton.

And surely enough, 2 large skeletal figures emerged from the brush just a few feet away, raising their boney hands just as a green hue came from their palms.

Coming up from the ground, 3 large ghouls snarled their way from the ground and turned immediately to the group.

Astarion sighed as he yanked his daggers free from the band on his waist. "It's always something, isn't it?"

Lae'zel cursed as she drew her bow.

Raising her staff, Roralei watched as the ghoul staggered towards Tav and Lae'zel. The githyanki quickly released an arrow, striking the ghoul in its chest. It barely stumbled, leaving Tav to swing her sword around her shoulders before slamming it against the monster, striking it with a large blow until its head fell to the ground.

Halsin dodged the large skeleton's sword, shoving him back before raising his hands upward. As sharp thorns sprouted from the ground, the skeleton shouted in response as vines closed around it's paper thin limbs, trapping him in place.

Roralei turned just in time as one of the skeleton's swung their sword into her direction, causing her to jump back as she missed the shot. Stumbling back, she quickly raised her hands and casted darkness, disorienting and blinding him long enough to pick up her staff again.


The blow hit the second ghoul, knocking it to the ground long enough for Astarion to rush forward and impale it twice with each dagger. The ghoul howled as it fell limp to the ground.

A loud scream caused Astarion to turn. The skeleton had Tav pinned beneath its sword, the only thing keeping it from decapitating her head from her body being the thin blade of her sword. She gritted her teeth as she tried to press back, feeling her own blade begin to pierce her skin.

Shadowheart immediately casted a protection spell, but it wasn't enough. Not with the undead's strength.

Halsin rushed forward and immediately struck the skeleton with his staff, sending a blow to its head long enough to get it to turn its attention to the druid. Roralei staggered forward, raising her hands.

But even as she casted a spell, the skeleton's sword barely missed her arm, grazing it just as the monster was sent flying backwards. Astarion rushed towards it, striking the monster until it shriveled up against the ground.

And with one last swing from Shadowheart to the remaining ghoul, they were left surrounded by the bodies of the undead.

Astarion rushed to Tav's side and studied her wounds. "Are you all right?"

Tav nodded as she allowed him to help her to her feet. "The bastard almost decapitated me with my own sword. What do you think?"

Halsin turned and watched as Roralei kneeled to grab her staff.

"You're hurt." He said to her. "Let me see."

She watched as he reached for her hand and studied her arm.

Lae'zel spat. "I must seek the cure. If we go any farther, I must leave."

Tav turned to the githyanki. "We don't have a choice, Lae'zel."

She grimaced as she spoke in a language Roralei didn't understand. The fighter turned and disappeared down the opposite pathway, causing Tav to sigh.

"We will need to reach Last Light Inn as quickly as we can." He said, placing his hand over her wound. Casting a spell, she watched as the wound slowly shrunk in size, until it disappeared. The only thing left was the blood from the gash.

Roralei looked to Tav. "Let me heal you."
"No," she said, shaking her head. "I'm all right. It's just a single slice. I'll be all right with a battle scar."

She smiled lightly at Roralei before turning to look at Astarion, reassuring him.

"Isn't that the ruins that lead us to the Shadowlands?" Shadowheart asked, pointing.

"Yes. Through there, we'll go across the line and enter there." Halsin responded. "I want to make sure that everyone is aware of what we are about to walk into. This place, this is not just a time of night. This place is cursed. Wherever we are, we must stay together and stay with a light. The shadow curse is lingering and waiting for any disadvantage we may offer it."

"Do you know where the Inn is?" Tav asked.

"I do. But we will need a consultation to get there."
"A consultation? What do you mean?"

Halsin turned back to the ruins.

"You will see once we arrive."

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