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The next day, Roralei was speaking with Dammon about fixing a piece of armor for Tav while they waited for her to speak with Jaheira.

Astarion was with her, waiting until she was finished to ask her as they walked away from the stable.

"So, was that a bear I heard last night, or is my imagination just kicking into overdrive and I'm hearing things?" The pale elf asked, smirking.

"I believe you to be far more embracing than an overly protective parent." She whispered.
"Oh, come on, darling, I need something." He argued.
"It's all so interesting to me. I mean, what exactly goes on when the "big claws" are out, hmm?"

"It was unintentional." She said to him, sighing. "Ever since the night I finally became able to take my bear form, I shift at the worst times. When my blood runs hot or when I'm expressing so much emotion— it just happens."

He frowned slightly. "Oh, dear, you changed in the middle of sex? That is definitely—."

"I didn't tell you this to gloat. I told you this because I needed to get that off of my chest with someone I trust."

Astarion's face softened, and his eyes lightened. "You trust me?"

Roralei chuckled. "Please, don't make me regret it. Also, have you seen Halsin? I haven't seen him since last night."

"He was inside the last time I saw him. For some reason, he was hovering over a sleeping man."

With her brows knitted, Roralei and Astarion entered the inn and walked towards the double doors. Pushing them open, she watched as Shadowheart played a large lute, with her and Halsin staring down at an unconscious man laying on the bed.

Before she could ask, the unconscious man jolted awake, his eyes wide as he gasped.

"You. . . You're Halsin. Thaniel said to find you. You must help him. Please."

"I will. But I need to know where Thaniel is. If I venture into the Shadowfell blind, I will never find him." Halsin explained.

The man was shaking as he trembled with skin glistening from sweat. "I'm not sure I can put it into words— the landscape there shifts and changes. . . Lavender. Whenever I saw Thaniel, I always smelled lavender."

Halsin nodded. "I can work with that. Rest now."

Halsin looked to Astarion. "We will need help from the others. Get them, and meet me by the lakeshore. I have what we need to proceed, but I'll need the help. Be ready. This may prove. . . Perilous."

"Great, a field trip to look for the others."

Roralei rushed after Halsin as he made his way towards the doors, grabbing a torch near the door.

"Thaniel? As in your childhood friend, Thaniel?" Roralei asked Halsin. "The one that never changed?"

"Yes." He said, dousing the torch into the brazier. "The curse has held him all this time."

She continued following him around the Inn, towards the lakeshore. "What will we do?"

"I must go to him and bring him back." He said. "I will need you and the others to stand guard and defend the portal until my arrival back. This will not be easy, but I do know you can handle this."

Her eyes widened. "You believe that I will let you go in alone?"
"Yes, because I must." He stated firmly.
"Halsin, this is a death trap—"

The man cut her off. "I need you, for once, to do as I say without any obligations or doubts. Just this once. May you do that for me?"

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