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Roralei stared down at the three, clenching her jaw as she watched the elf examine Halsin's dagger.

His red eyes lingered over her as the man smirked. "Well, hello. And how is it hanging? I'm sorry, I really couldn't help myself."

The man laughed quietly and Roralei moved within the net. "Please, just let me down."

"And why in the hells would we do that?" He asked. "It's rather fun, seeing you wiggle in that trap. Like an animal trying to escape it's prey."

Roralei growled angrily as she tried to kick at the net.

"Who are you, anyway?" The tiefling asked.
"And why would I tell you my life story?" Roralei asked. "You already have advantage. You have the high ground here. Metaphorically speaking."

"Just let her down." The girl spoke.
"Absolutely not." The man said. "Let's have some fun."

"Were you watching us?" The tiefling asked her.
"What? I didn't even know you were here!" She shouted. "I'm just passing through this stupid fucking place."

He scoffed. "Yes, sure you are. And I'm just passing through for the hells of it."

Roralei huffed as she landed on her back. "You're lucky I cannot reach my staff—"

He lifted Halsin's dagger and pointed the tip near her face. "Is that a threat, bait worm?"

"Astarion, not everyone we meet is an enemy." The half elf stated.

Roralei shook her head. "If I had known I would've gone through all of this trouble. Thank you, Halsin."

Their faces softened immediately. "Did you say "Halsin"?"

"The druid?"

"No, the fucking Oak Father. Yes, the druid." She snapped. "I'm trying to find him, not that you care."

The tiefling held her hand to her chest. "We are, too. We've gotten word about the goblin camp. It's just north of here. Few days out."

Astarion rolled his eyes. "And here, I thought we were about to have ourselves a morning meal."

"Let her down."

The man walked forward, and Roralei flinched as he grabbed ahold of the net. Using Halsin's dagger, he tore through several areas of the net until it finally collapsed beneath her. Roralei huffed as she landed into the water, hurrying to stand as she grimaced at the foul smell.

The woman walked forward. "I'm Shadowheart. This is Tav, and you've already met Astarion."

Astarion's lips turned upward into a smile. "My apologies for that. It isn't easy to trust a stranger's face these days."

Roralei stared at him. "You're a vampire."
The man began walking. "So I've been aware for the last few hundred years."

She looked to the women when Tav crossed her arms over her chest. "You said you were looking for Halsin."

"Yes." She said. "I believe him to be in danger. Before I left, I told the grove my concerns. Halsin always comes back."

She rubbed the side of her neck. "And although we had an argument, that's no excuse. He would've come back."

"Well, the grove is in trouble, now." Shadowheart stated. "Khaga is trying to rid of the tieflings. Zevlor is worried, if Halsin doesn't return."

Roralei wrenched her shirt free of water. "My name is Roralei. It's important I keep searching."

"Come with us." Tav said. "We travel together. It's safer that way."

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