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Roralei didn't know what to expect, but the first thing she felt was the quickness of her heart as it pounded inside of her chest as Halsin kissed her hard. It wasn't like any normal kiss they shared. This was deep, dark and powerful. He wasn't holding back any longer.

The woman gasped, cupping his face in her small hand as Halsin used his knee to part her own. He moved just barely until he was on his knees between her legs.

The druid allowed his hands to fall down her torso, feeling her body as she leaned into his touch. She kissed his cheek and down his jaw until he gripped her jaw and kissed her hungrily.

Halsin was an expert, despite how long it had been. Her skin burned as if it had been set on fire, along with the flush of her cheeks that was tinted a dark pink as he touched her.

"I have waited for you for a very long time." Halsin breathed, kissing her neck. She closed her eyes and wrapped one leg around his waist as he sucked at the skin of her neck, pressing his warm tongue to the tender skin. As he held her there and kissed her, his free hand slipped down her torso and quickly dipped into the front of her trousers.

Roralei gasped against his mouth as his fingers slipped through her folds, stroking her throbbing heat and her slick entrance with his large fingers. Halsin moaned, feeling her part her legs farther to give him access to her fully. She was warm and soaked, flooding his fingers as he rubbed her clit roughly.  The woman's legs trembled as she bucked her hips against his hand, arching her spine as she cried out.

"Like a warm, sweet honey." Halsin whispered. "You are as I imagined."

Slipping two fingers inside of her slick heat, Halsin exhaled at the feeling of her slick, tight walls as they clamped around his digits. Roralei moaned again, gripping his arms as she propped herself on her elbows.

"Gods, Halsin." Her head fell back as she breathed heavily. He leaned down and pressed his lips to her collarbone before using his unoccupied hand to grab the front of her shirt. Tearing it in his grasp, Roralei gasped as her breasts became exposed to his eyes. Her breasts were full and perfectly rounded, sagging lightly. Her pink nipples slightly erected by the temperature, slowly hardening even farther at the arousal as he drank her in with his eyes.

Roralei sighed as Halsin leaned in and kissed her skin, traveling down her body until he closed his lips over her nipple. Sucking gently, Roralei cried for more as she massaged her neglected breast to obtain mutual arousal.

"You are a sight for my sore eyes, Roralei." He said, using his hands to grip her pants. The man tugged them down her legs, staring at the mound of curls between her legs as he parted her knees once more. "A taste for my tongue. . ."

The woman watched as Halsin dipped his head between her thighs and pressed his tongue through her folds, flicking it over her clit. Roralei shrieked, trying to stay still as his hands curled around her thick thighs to part them farther and to hold her in place. His hungry eyes flickered to her, watching as she bit down on her lip to suppress her moans. After all, they weren't the only ones at camp.

Her arousal was warm and sweet on his tongue, just as he expected. She writhed and squirmed beneath his tongue as he slipped it inside of her, grazing her walls as he flicked his tongue. Her muscles tensed, telling him she was already about to release from working het already.

Roralei was sweating as she laid there, muscles tensing. "Halsin—"

"I know, my flower." He purposely breathed against her thigh. He watched as she came the first time, her skin glistening with sweat as her chest rose and fell from her heavy breaths.

Halsin quickly peeled his shirt from his body. "I am not ready to finish with you, just yet."

Roralei watched as he spared his trousers, her eyes widening slightly at the sight of him. He was bigger than big. He was large. Already hard and ready for release, he sprung gently as he settled between her legs again.

Halsin hovered over her when she felt his cock against the skin of her belly. She was nervous, but she wanted nothing more than him to be inside of her.

The man stared into her eyes as he lifted her leg. "I will try my best to be gentle."

"I don't care." She whispered. Halsin throbbed at her words, and as he lined himself with her entrance, he teased the woman with his tip as he glided up and down the woman's entrance. He wanted her to get an idea of how he felt.

Pressing into her, Halsin watched as she took a deep breath. As she did this, he quickly thrusted inside of her, grunting. Roralei cried, arching her spine at the pain. Halsin gripped her leg and hoisted it over his hip, parting her other thigh to open her more. Tears pricked her eyes, but she urged him to continueas she kissed him. Halsin frowned lightly before thrusting inside of her to bury himself in her cunt entirely. She was tight and in pain, but it was what she wanted.

"The pain will fade, I promise." He whispered. Roralei shook her head and begged him for more, digging her nails into the skin of his back as he began slipping in and out of her at a slow pace. The pain was a lot, but after a few minutes of simples strokes until she gained used to his size, it was overcome by pleasure as he grazed her walls and gently brushing her cervix.

Roralei moaned, listening to the man moan as he reached for her other leg. Hitching it over his waist with her other, she dug her heels into his buttock as he thrusted into her at a quicker pace. She reached for his face, the man pressing his lips against her palm as he watched her breasts bounce each time he buried himself inside of her again. The sound of his skin smacking against her own caused him to moan, knowing this was the sound that occurred when he was pushing himself in and out of her cunt.

"Halsin!" She cried. Her cheeks flushed, realizing how loud she was being. Halsin grinned at her, thrusting harder until her eyes rolled into the back of her head. She was close, but he wanted to give her his all. His balls throbbed as he inched towards his release, that he had yet to chase.

Roralei's nails sank into his skin, causing blood to surface in small crescents from her nails. It didn't hurt, but brought him pleasure. She was crumbling beneath him, trying to hold on for more as her walls began to tighten around his cock.

"You have taken me so good." He breathed, moaning as he kissed her sloppily. He couldn't stop watching her as she moved with him, whining and moaning as she inched closer and closer.

"Halsin, I—I think—"
She was holding on by a thread. Halsin squeezed her thigh, panting in her ear.

"Come on me, my love." He urged.

As a loud moan emerged from her chest and out her mouth, she buried her head into his neck to muffle her sounds. Halsin could feel her walls slowly ease around him, and the warmth of her release engulfed him. Halsin gritted his teeth and gripped her thigh harder as he reached his climax. The man came, exhaling tiredly as he slowly slipped out of her heat.

Laying beside her, Roralei moved closer and rested her head against his chest. Halsin ran his hand up and down her spine, bringing her comfort as her breath settled.

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