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As always I don't remember all of the dialogue so I'm going with the flow and adding my own lmaoo

The Last Light Inn was a few miles from where the harpers had assassinated Kar'niss and the followers of the absolute. Once they reached the bridge, is when Roralei noticed the large shield over the grounds, protecting it from the shadow curse.

"That's amazing." Tav whispered.

Halsin looked at Roralei. "That was smart. Showing an act of protection to the harpers. That persuaded them immensely."

She shrugged. "That drider was a piece of work."

As they crossed the bridge, they each took turns taking in their surroundings once they entered the shield. Guards and merchants moved and spoke through the small town, while blacksmiths and others worked. Inside of a small tent just beside the entrance was a young woman, placing a basket of different leather gloves and boots into a buyer's arms.

Before they could move any farther, a white haired woman appeared. As she approached, she was followed by other members. They all stared at the group before them, immediately revealing their weapons. Roralei followed Tav's actions and raised her hands in surrender.

"Well, so much for a nice introduction." Tav muttered.

The woman crossed her arms. "If you believed you'd receive a nice welcome with open arms, you are badly mistaken."

"Jaheira, this woman saved us. We were attacked by followers of the absolute." One of the harpers explained.

"It seems you missed not one, but several of them."

Tav shook her head. "Don't do this. Just allow me to explain."

"Explain what?" She asked, reaching into her pack. As she lifted a small jar, Roralei noticed the small, wiggly tadpole as it lashed around within the glass.

"It responds to its own."

"You don't understand. I am not one of them. None of us are. We do carry the tadpole, but it hasn't changed us— not that them."

A young tiefling girl ran forward. "What are you doing? She is the one who saved us!"

Roralei recognized her from her last days at the grove. Smiling lightly, she looked to Tav, who smiled at the child as Jaheria glanced back at the group.

They all slowly lowered their weapons as Jaheria nodded. The woman stepped closer.

"How do you not think the same?" she asked.

"I don't know. But you need to understand.  We are in search for a cure from these illithid powers." Shadowheart explained.

Roralei looked up at Halsin, anxious.

"These two do not carry the parasite, no?" She asked, eyeing Halsin and Roralei. "It does not search for you."

"We are helping search for a cure, and to help raise the curse from the shadowlands."

Jaheira nodded softly. "You will stay here. There are rooms in the barns for you to sleep. Tomorrow, you will speak with Isobel. She will help you with a way to get to Moonrise Towers."

As she turned, Astarion grimaced.
"A barn? Seriously? I may as well get cuddled up with the damned ox."

Tav grabbed his hand as she looked to Roralei and Halsin. "I will speak with Jaheira. I want her to trust us. Shadowheart, you can speak with Dammon and see what supplies he has we may need. We'll all regroup in the morning, yeah?"

As they separated, Roralei inhaled. "Then what will we do?"

Halsin looked down at her with a light smile on his face. "I did promise you a nice hot bath, correct?"

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