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Roralei released a loud sigh as she tried to concentrate. Standing there, with the cold night air to caress her skin and her eyes closed to darkness, she tried desperately. But she couldn't.

The woman cursed under her breath, but refused to give up.

"Don't give up." Halsin said. "Focus on what makes you happy."

Roralei remained still as her immediate thought went to Halsin. Seeing the man in her mind, remembering the feeling of his skin against hers. Her lips suddenly twitched and she smiled.

She could hear the sound of a light whirring before she felt the tingling sensation consume her body from her toes, traveling gently to her knees, to her thighs and up through the rest of her body. Her body changing as she shifted, she looked up to stare at Halsin through her bear eyes.

The man smiled. "It will come as easy as closing your eyes."

The druid walked forward and lifted his hands to her ears before massaging them gently. Roralei stared up at him, admiring him through beastly topaz eyes as he spoke.

"I must say, you are the most beautiful she-bear I've ever seen. And that's saying something, considering the one who gave me these scars was a sight for sore eyes."

Roralei leaped up onto her hind legs and came tumbling back down onto Halsin. Pinning the man beneath her, Halsin barked a laugh as he lay on his back, staring up at her.

She leaned down and pressed her nuzzle against his cheek, causing him to stroke the fur behind her ears. Her action and her warmth caused him to smile.

As the druid began to shift, Roralei trotted away and turned back to see him. Even as a bear, he was still larger than she was. By a lot. He was broad and masculine, ten times her size.

Halsin neared her and immediately rubbed his head against her own. The affection cause Roralei to connect with him in her mind.

"I love you."
"I love you, my flower."

As Roralei began to shift, Halsin watched as the girl stumbled out of her form, huffing as she hit her hands and knees. Halsin dismissed his shape, walking towards her to help her stand.

She looked up at him as he cupped her face in his large hand. "Thank you."
"What are you thanking me for?" He asked, stroking her hair.

"You've helped me become who I am. Without you, I wouldn't be doing any of this. I have the best teacher. The best master."

Halsin's breath quickened as Roralei pressed her lips against his jaw, allowing her hands to slide up his arms. The man grabbed her hips, closing his eyes as she kissed his neck.

His blood ran warm at the feel of her lips against his skin. His hand slipped down to the curve of her spine, holding her body to his as she breathed against his skin.

"I'm sorry, I'll stop." She said, pulling away.
"No, don't stop." Halsin demanded. The man gripped her hips, yanking her flesh back to his. The woman gasped as he kissed her hungrily, listening to a soft, quiet moan escape her lips.

"That sound you make, I cannot get enough. I wish to hear it over and over." He breathed. He could feel himself growing hard and rigid, poking through his trousers at the mere thought of her moaning from the pleasure he'd absolutely give to her. He'd give her anything if it meant he could hear her cry his name.

"You will, Halsin." Her voice trembled as he kissed her neck. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she could feel him pressing against her navel, hard and stiff between them. The woman gasped at the feeling, along with the feeling of a gentle throb between her legs.

"If that is what you want?" He asked between breaths.

As Roralei opened her mouth to speak, a loud shouting came from their camp. The two quickly departed from one another and immediately ran towards camp. Rushing through the woods, they hurried towards camp in a matter of minutes.

The group surrounded the unfamiliar woman, who's large horns were coordinating with her gold jewelry covering the top of her bright red hair. She was a cambion; this, Roralei was sure of.

The cambion smirked at the two as they approached camp. "Oh, look, everyone is here for the party now."

"Who is she?" Roralei asked.
"Mizora." Wyll spat. "Her name is Mizora."

By the time Mizora disappeared into thin air, Tav crossed her arms over her chest. "So, you are to save this prisoner, or she—"
"Yes." Wyll answered.

"Well, the good news is that we are just a few miles from reaching the shadowlands. From there, we'll need to find the Last Light Inn before our journey to Moonrise."

Wyll stood and began to pace around camp. Astarion looked away from the others, looking to Roralei.

"It's too bad, the cambion interrupted your important. . . Tasks." He said. Roralei sent him a weary look, watching as the vampire smirked.


The tiefling looked up to Astarion and stood. "We leave at dawn, we are almost to the shadowlands. We will need as much rest as we can get."

Tav followed Astarion into his tent, watching as the others retreated to their own with slight resentment.

"Will you come to my tent?" She asked Halsin suddenly. It came out a little too quickly for her comfort, making her seem eager or even desperate. But Halsin's smile reassured her enough.

"If that is what you'd like, then I'd be happy to fulfill your wishes."

Standing, they walked towards her tent and stepped inside. As Roralei pulled the flap closed, she turned and lit the small lantern on the table before turning to Halsin.

Halsin inhaled as she reached out and pressed a hand to his chest.

"Will you lay with me?"

As she laid down on her bed of furs, she propped herself on her elbows as Halsin sank to his knees and crawled forward. As he hovered over her, Roralei laid back and grabbed his face, pressing her lips against his.

Halsin exhaled, propping himself on his hands as he wedged one knee between her own to keep himself from squishing her. She was small and fragile in his eyes, a woman he loved that only deserved to be treated with the upmost respect from him and anyone else.

But as she kissed him harder and tugged at his locks gently, he could feel her pressing her pelvis against his hips to intrigue him farther. Halsin released a shaky breath, feeling as her hands began to fist the front of his shirt.

"Roralei. . ." He panted. "I said we would go slow, but I don't think I can. . . If I start, I—I won't be able to stop. I won't. I've waited so long for you, once I've had you, I won't stop."

"I don't want to go slow." She said, running her fingers through his hair. "I want you. I want you right now. Please. . ."

His lips brushed over hers so lightly, she barely felt them. "I will be as gentle as I can."

"It's okay." She said quietly.
"No, you are a virgin. You have never taken anybody, nor have you taken me. I will love you gently, until I know you can handle more. I will not hurt you."

Roralei gripped the back of his neck. "I want you to be my first and my last."

He chuckled anxiously. "Then so be it."

And with that, Halsin leaned in and pressed his lips to hers.

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