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"How much more time?"

"I'm not sure. By morning, I'd say."

Roralei sighed as she rolled back over on her bed roll. She was growing more impatient as time passed, flooded with anxiety, worrying if Halsin was still alive.

"What will you do, when you find Halsin?" Tav asked her as she bit into her apple.

She inhaled as she rested her head in her hand. "Well, we were supposed to see about coming about my transformation. If I can trigger it now or not."


"Druids have the ability to transform into animals or creatures. It's a very handy thing, but I've never been able to. Halsin believes mine will require some sort of emotional trigger. . . But I don't know."

Tav hummed. "Interesting. Halsin can transform, right?"

Roralei nodded. "Yes. He's always been fond of his bear shape. That was his shape the first time I met him."

Tav hummed. "Interesting."

"Yes, it's all so interesting, but maybe we could make things more interesting, and head out?"

The two lifted their heads and watched as Astarion neared them. Shadowheart began to approach, too, placing her shield on her back.

"He's right. We should get going. We're going to need the extra few hours of daylight."

Roralei stood as Tav did. "All right, all right."

As Tav passed Astarion, the elf's eyes lingered longer than expected as she made her way through camp. Clenching his jaw, he followed after the tiefling.

As they headed north west of the blighted village, Astarion glanced to Roralei. The woman walked, purposely clapping her staff against the ground out of pure boredom.

"So, we're so close to the goblin camp. What do you think?"

"What?" She asked confusedly.

Astarion rolled his eyes. "You're about to find Halsin, your. . . Bear-changing master, who you've constantly spoken of in your sleep at night. So, tell me, are you nervous to see him?"

Roralei's cheeks immediately burned. Had she been sleep talking again?

"Y—Yes," she stuttered as he began to smile amusedly. "But not because of that. . . Because before he left, we got into a fight."

"Oh, dear." Astarion murmured.

"It was a childish fight." She said, shaking her head. "I regret all of it."

Astarion nudged his shoulder with hers. "Go on, what's that phrase humans use— ah! Spill your guts. Come on, tell me more."

Roralei wasn't sure why she was confiding in Astarion, but the more she was around him, she realized he truly wasn't all that bad. He was annoying, of course, but in other ways, he was company she could see herself keeping around.

She shook her head. "It was my fault. He was just trying to look out for me, and I was angry. I felt like he was treating me as if I were a child."

Astarion pursed his lips. "If I have learned anything, it's to remind yourself that you are your own person. Nobody can control you. You are your own master."

Roralei could hear the hint in his words and the way he looked away, told her there was more to the story. That he had learned them from experience.

"You've pried in mine, now it's my turn. What troubles you?"

"I was a slave for Cazador Szarr. One night, I was beaten to death by a bunch of gur. And Cazador chased them off. And that's when he offered me the gift of immortality. Of course I accepted, what was I supposed to do, sit there and bleed to death? Gods, no. So, he turned me into a vampire.

For years and years, Cazador forced me to do his dirty work for him; to bring him who he desired. I was to bring them to him in any way possible; most of the time, I seduced them. And they always came with me to him."

Astarion grimaced as he relived his past. Roralei frowned, not realizing just how troubled his past was, and how it still haunted him.

"And now he's sent more hunters after you." Roralei muttered. "I'm sorry."

"Thank you. But see, isn't it nice, the independence? To see the world for yourself? Not that it means much, with a godsdamned tadpole in our heads— you are lucky, by the way. That this thing isn't swarming around in your head."

"I can't imagine. Nor do I want to."
"It has its perks, if I'm being honest. If it weren't for this thing, I wouldn't be here in the sun."

"Where would you be if you couldn't be in the sun right now, Astarion?" Shadowheart asked.

"Oh, I'd be trapped away in a cozy little inn, buried in the hundreds of books that I've read in my 250 years." He mumbled.

"Eyes open, there's the camp."

As Tav announced their arrival, Roralei lifted her eyes and stared ahead at the large bridge that lead to a large outlook. Thick, dark smoke lingered in the air, revealing a fire was somewhere at the camp.

Her stomach knotted and she began to feel nauseous. She prayed to the oak fathers that Halsin was still alive.

"All right, are you ready for this?" Tav asked Roralei.

"No, but what other choice do we have?" She muttered nervously. Tav offered a genuine smile before the tiefling turned to Astarion.

"Let me do the talking, all right? As much as I'd love to hear you pick a fight with creatures smaller than you, we don't need any unnecessary violence unless it's absolutely needed."

Astarion groaned quietly. "Darling, if you want me all to yourself, all you have to do is say so."

The tiefling sent him a weary look before heading down towards the bridge. Roralei quickly followed the others, her heart pounding against her ribcage.

When they reached the bridge, Tav took the lead and stepped onto it. Roralei followed closely behind, trying not to look over the edge at the large drop that waited below.

"Gods, these goblins have horrible carpentry skills. I mean, honestly, I could do better." Astarion muttered.

Just as he spoke, Tav's foot fell through one of the gaps, causing her to trip. Roralei reached out and gripped the tiefling's tail, listening to her as she grunted in pain. She immediately grabbed the ropes as she steadied herself, which caused Roralei to quickly release her tail.

"Good reflex." Tav stated. "That's a tough grip."


Astarion rose a brow.

The four of them crossed the bridge slowly, reaching the other side shortly after. Roralei inhaled as they began walking. Her eyes fell upon the group of goblins at the entrance, immediately looking at them with dark expressions.

Roralei fell back slightly. She felt cowardly, but the last run-in with goblins wasn't good, and it was hard telling if the same goblins would be here.

Looking down, she stared at the ground as Tav took lead.

"Let me through." She demanded. Her voice was dark and intimidating, which brought a new fear to the goblins as the one winced away.

"Oh, y—yes, True Soul. Of course, come through."

The goblin shooed away the Monstrosity, causing it to snarl at the goblin, but backed away nonetheless. Tav moved forward, when she felt Astarion's hand press into the center of her back. This caused her to follow, keeping up with Tav.

"I'm surprised, they didn't even try and stop you." Shadowheart said to her.

Reaching the next bridge, Roralei stopped as the three stopped. Tav, Astarion and Shadowheart fell to the ground, hitting their hands and knees.

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