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Jungkook moved away from the wall he was leaning against as Suzy came out of Jieun's bedroom with the same untouched plate she had entered with. "So?" he asked anxiously.

She simply shook her head in response, the corner of her lips twitching downwards. Grunting, the player took the plate from her hand, but she stopped him before he could open the door. "Wait, Jungkook. I don't think it's a good idea to force her—"

"It has been three days, Suzy!" he shot back angrily. "She had barely eaten. I'm getting tired of this shit. Jieun's gonna clean this plate today whether she like it or not."

Suzy opened her mouth to debate but closed it. Jungkook was right and had more power than she had to make Jieun do things. "I'll sleep at home tonight."

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Call me if you need anything."

Jungkook gave a short nod and opened the door. His eyes needed time to adjust to the darkness of the room once he got in. Ever since Jieun came back from the hospital, she had skipped most of the meals. He knew the process of losing a child was slow and painful, but he couldn't stand seeing her giving up like this.

He approached the bed, carefully pulling the sheets aside and placing the plate next to her on the nightstand. "Jieun, wake up," he began, "You need to eat something."

Not answering, she pushed the plate away with her fingers, avoiding his gaze.

Jungkook stared down at her across inches that felt like miles. "I know you're not hungry, but you gotta try. Come on... I'll help you." Jieun gave no response and merely continued to ignore him and the food in front of her. A long sigh escaped him, the sound a combination of exhaustion and frustration. "Jieun... please." Again, no response. "I'll open the curtains if you don't."

The threat certainly seemed to work when Jungkook saw both of Jieun's eyes open in an alert. He made a mental note to use it more often.

A quiet breath left her as she began to sit up.

"Can I at least turn the light on?" he pointed at the bedside lamp.

Jieun only nodded.

Jungkook sat down close enough to turn on the light and get access to her mouth. The plate in his hand contained most of the stuff she generally liked — rice, beef, lettuce. But she reacted like it was the most disgusting thing ever.

"Mm," she grunted when he took the fork up to her face. "I can't..." she whispered the first words she'd spoken all day.

"I told you to try it. You're not trying."

"I'll throw up if I eat this..." she mumbled.

"I'm willing to take a chance," he said in a soft, coaxing voice. "You can even throw up on my clothes if you want."

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