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After what felt like days we arrived at this base they dragged me in and put me in a room they ended up tied me up the hat man sitting in a corner the Mohawk man standing in front of me along with skull man they started to asked me questions

"First how old are you" skull man asked

"Why should I tell you huh?" I snorted

Skull man grabbed my face "because I said so " I tried pulling my face away but his grip got tighter

"Answer now or else" skull man says

"Fine fine I'm twenty three" I say trying to break the ropes

"There we go" Mohawk man says

"Next what is your name" hat man says getting up from his chair

"YN" I say

Hat man smiles sitting back down "when your not so hard on them they'll actually talk" hat man says

"Yeah plus what's y'all's names" i say looking around the room

Fuck no vent

"I'm price this fellow is soap then ghost" hat man says pointing to soap and ghost

"Why is his name ghost when he has a skull mask on?" I ask looking back at ghost

"I don't know ask him" soap says leaning on the wall right next to me in my left

"Hmm" I say as I stare at his mask I then look around i again I fall back breaking the chair i then break free form the tight as fuck ropes

"There we go!" I say simply standing up the three men in-front of me ready to attack me

"Whoa whoa I'm not leaving it's just that those ropes where tight as fuck!" I say leaning on the back wall

They stare at me ghost grabs me "I'm taking them to their cell" ghost says pulling me out of the room I see the tall man outside the room I was just in I waved as I got dragged

He pulled me to stairs "come on it's not that far down" he says pulling me down the stairs

"How come we couldn't take the elevator?" I ask as a follow him

"Because" he answers

What felt like a thousand steps I got thrown in a cell

"AYE THAT HURT YAH KNOW?!?!" I scream as he shuts the door I look around the cell trying to think of a way to escape

Vents I saw a vent I pulled out my knife I had and unscrewed the screws i then climbed in the vent not to long after I saw outside "nice" I whisper as I kick the vent open I crawl out onto the bear rocks i then stand up

"Where the fuck am I?! I have to get home to my dog!!" I think to myself as I run I run and run until I saw lights it felt like I ran across the world "is that it?" I ask as I run down a hill towards the naighbor hood "it is!" I exclaim as I run to my house I open the door I run to the basement door I ran down to the cold room I stay in there was my dog "thank god" I whisper as I pet him

(By the way I wanted to thank this amazing writer for giving me the motivation to make this book I really got inspired by her ghost x reader book so I wanted to make my own once again I really appreciate it—>Supreme_Bun_Overlord

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