Oh my

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I felt myself get thrown in my bed it was ghost but he tucked me in? I've never been tucked in before and not by some cold moody bitch surprising I woke up a few hours later I could not tell what time it was since I suck with normal clocks and I don't have my shitty phone on me so yeah I got up I was being watched

"Come out dude I know your there" I say as I sit up


Ghost I could tell from his fancy shit I got up and turned on the lights to see him sitting in the corner with a chair like learn to not be creepy

"So your going to continue to stalk me huh?" I say crossing my arms as I lean on the door

"Negative I'm simply watching you" he says with a quiet pissed of but calm voice

"Yeah right" I turn off the lights after I discover it's night time I lay back down trying to sleep but this man is getting on my nerves so I couldn't I then felt someone sit on the bed obviously it was ghost like get a grip we was watching me and my every move I tried to pretend to sleep but that did not work usually it dose

"I kind of can't sleep with you watching me" I grumble looking up

"Fine I'll leave but don't escape" he growls I hear him leave he was outside my door guess I'll annoy him I got up and opened the door he was leaning on it so he fell onto me

"AGK" I scream as his weight collapses onto me

"Fuck!" He yells as he gets off of me

"Ow dude I was going to use the bathroom" I yell as I get up

"That's sir or LT to you" he growls

I roll my eyes I walk past him I felt a hand grab my arm I got Yanked so now me and him are touching he put his hand around my upper stomach and the other covering my mouth

Great I thought I tried getting free but his grasp got tighter ow I am she to get free I ran to the bathroom I used it then I simply walked back to my room where he was waiting for me great

"What do you want?" I grumble

"I need to watch you"

"As an LT you need to watch me get a grip" I say rolling my eyes

"Maybe I will" he says getting off of the door frame he then grabs me pushes me into the room and closes the door

Fuck I thought he was going to punch me or some shit but now he's pinned me on the wall I look at him no anger,annoyance anything just pure nothing he looked at me what felt like forever soap comes in

"Hey ghost I- oh" i says before he leaves

Ghost turns around and leaves like nothing happened

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