Cool title

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(Hello again! Sorry for not posting often but ima write to pages while I'm school enjoy!)

"How can you forget about a dog! It's a living being like us!" I mumble

"Well didn't forget I was just busy, Riley is getting watched right now" ghost reasons

"So?! Riley would prefer it's owner instead of some dude it doesn't know!" I argue back

"Look last time I saw Riley was last week Friday" he grumbles

"I can't- wait I shouldn't be talking" I mumble looking away

"Right because you forgot about your dog too!" He says

"Shut up" I mumble

Ghost rolls his eyes as he looks away

Silent oddly silent

"Why is it so quiet this is a forest shouldn't-"

Ghost covers my mouth

"Shhh" I whispers

(How can you whisper that? Anyway)

I tilt my head to the side slightly as I look around

"What?" I whisper

"I heard something" ghost whispers back

"Are you doing this to shut me up?" I whisper

"Maybe" he whispers

I look dumbfounded

"Seriously?" I mumble

My dog suddenly starts barking

"Hey hey calm down! Hey!" I say trying to calm down my dog

"What's- that?...." Ghost mumbles

"What? Oh" I say seeing something off in the distance

"Shit- get down!" Ghost then pulls me down on top of him

"Wha-?!" I yelp

We are now on the floor it's been a few minutes and I'm scared shitless

As he pulled me down I saw something horrifying it was like a animal but dead

My dog took the hint to be quiet and stopped barking but laid on the ground silently

Ghost x reader Where stories live. Discover now