Serious talk

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(Omg!! Thank you soo much for the follies and reads! It makes me so happy!)

"Talk about what?" I ask as I lean on the headboard of the bed

"About...what your holding" ghost says sitting down on the bed

"Holding what? I'm holding nothing" I mumble confused

"Look at your hands Y/N what's happening to you? Why where you missing for so long?" He asks he sounded serious

I look at my hands "why is that any of your bis?" I say crossing my arms

"It is I'm worried for you y/n" ghost says he put his hand on my shoulder

"Ghost I don't care this is me have to accept that" I mumble looking away

He grabs my chin and makes me look at him "Y/N I care for you and nothing going to change that,now why are your hands like that" he asks

He made me blush

"It started with finding a wasn't a ordinary book..." I explain he let's go of my chin

"Book? That's the reason your hands are like that?" He asks grabbing my hand softly

"Maybe.." I mumble looking away

He shakes his head no he then got up and left....that made me sad but who cares?

"Where are you going?" I ask

"Somewhere be right back" he says leaving as he closes the door

A hour past a fucking hour

"That's not somewhere if it's a hour" I mumble to myself as I get up to leave

For some reason I couldn't leave I was chained to the bed again

Rolling my eyes I pull on the chain and I broke just like that

I then get up and I leave the room looking around I change and I leave the base not caring anymore

I went looking for ghost since I knew he wasn't in base so I went looking for him

I walked into the forest I always hated but it was tue only place to look around the damn base so I had no choice

"I need to get fucking gloves" I mumble to myself

I looked around for a bit until I heard a noise I looked behind me

It was price

"Shit-" I mumble i then start running

Assuming I did something bad because he ran after me

"Y/N not again!!" He shouted

Why did he sound worried?

(Btw sorry for huge post gaps)

"No! I'm finding ghost!" I shout back

That made him stop

"Your looking ghost...?" He asked

"Yeah?" I say turning around

"He didn't tell you?" Price mumbles

"Tell me what?" I say walking towards him

"He went on a solo mission..." price says sounding worried

"What..." everything broke the world faded around me

"I don't how long..." price says

"Your joking....right?!" I demand

I ran past price and back into base

"Wait!" Price yells running after me

I didn't care I put my old gear on and I grabbed a few weapons

"Where did ghost go?" I ask price

"I...he went to....uhm he went to" price stuttered

"Fuck it i know where he is" I say walking price

Price tired slightly

"It's dangerous...." Price says

"I don't care!" I say leaving base

He didn't chase after me

After a few hours I made it to where ghost was

————-Tysm for reading————-

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