No no no

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After petting my dog I fixed up his bed then mine all there was in this cold basement room was my mattress a food and water bowl for my dog then his bed nothing else also a window I tried sleeping as my dog got settled down but running away was all I could think about a made a secret house when I would take my dog on walks

I looked over at my dog I took a deep breath i then hear loins bangs above me "fuck" I whisper ready for what my dad or mom was going to do I hear the basement door slam open I jumped up I grabbed my emergency run away bags then I quickly packed my dogs things "come on boy!" I whisper to my dog we escaped through the window I hear a loud bang to the door in my room me and my dog ran fast we came to the abandoned building I made my secret house in

"Come boy" I whisper as I run down the stairs to the abandoned building basement I get settled in "good god" I whisper before I give my dog water I hear loud running past the building "what the fuck is going on" I say one last time my dog then got snuggled at the end of the mattress I fell asleep

I wake up I pet my dog then I get up I yeah then I get dressed in my black shit "stay here while I'm gone" I whisper to my dog before I leave the building I pull up my mask then I leave I look around cautiously before I run to the gas station I got the things I needed then I left i timed around getting used to my new surroundings planning a escape route just in case I come back to the abandoned building I got followed

"Hey boy I got food" I tell my dog as I pour his dog kibble in his bowl

I felt a arm grab me and yank me

"OW LET GO" I scream

My dog looked up and then charged at the man is was skull man as my dog attacked him I get up I tell my dog to stop skull man along with hat and Mohawk man come up behind him

"The fuck do you want" I growl

"Shut it your coming with us" skull man says

"Be nice LT you'll scare her" says the giant man with the shirt mask

"At least someone thinks I'm human" I say before I walk towards my dog

"Fuck off" skull man says

I roll my eyes "" I repeat again

"We need you for fucks sake" skull man says

"Be nice LT" hat man says as he gives me a smile

"Yeah be nice to me!" I say before I turn around

Next thing I know I'm in my cell they took my fucking dog great "LET ME OUT ASSHOLES IF NOT TUEN GIVE ME MY FUCKING DOG!!!" I scream I look around no vent no window nothing just a toilet and a very uncomfortable bed I hear men laughing i then hear a loud wine "NO LEAVE HIM ALINE NOW PLEASE!!!! ILL DO ANYTHING YOU ASK JUST LEAVE HIM ALONE HIRT ME NOT HIM HES MY EVERYTHING PLEASEEE" I scream at the top of my lungs the laughing stops the wining stops


(Question if anyone reads this do you want me to keep doing king chapters or should I start doing short?"

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