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"Don't ever fucking leave me without telling me" I say

"I had to it was last minute" he says his thick British accent coming through

"I don't care! You didn't even leave a note" I growl

"I'm sorry luv" he says

"Are you hurt anywhere?" I ask

"Maybe in my side leg and hand"

"You have no self bloody respect!" I yell grabbing his arm and dragging him to a safe space

He didn't say anything while I healed him my dog stood on watch

"Ow! Be careful" i hisses

"I'm sorry! My magic isn't working for some reason" I say

"What is that in your leg?" I suddenly asks

"What?" I look down at my leg and it had a some sort of electronic device around the ankle

"Fuck.....I know what that is" ghost says

"What is it?" I ask suddenly scared

"It's a device to keep dark magic or any type of abdominal things under control so it won't work" he says

"Shit" I say stopping and trying to pull off the device

"Don't!" He says stopping me

"Why?" I ask

"It will make it worse pain you even" he says

"Bloody hell" I say

Suddenly my dog starts barking aggressively

"Uhm we should run" I say standing up

Ghost agrees and we start running with my dog behind us as we ran

Eventually I felt this pain shoot through my body causing me to fall

"Just keep running! I can handle this!" I yell to ghost and my dog

"No I won't leave yo-"

"Go!" I demand

Hesitantly ghost and my dog leaves

I try using my dark magic against the ankle monitor but it didn't work

"Fuck it" I say I grab a rock and I smash it against the ankle device

It worked and it broke somehow I knew they where strong but I didn't take them for being weak

Suddenly a large group of soldiers come running towards me

—thank you for reading!—

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