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After a few minutes of me checking up on him from time to time he woke up I herd him coming out of his room I knew I was fucked I was sitting in the living room enjoying my freedom while it lasted ghost approaches me

"Aye your blocking the tv!" I say trying to move so that I can watch the tv

"I don't give two fucks now why did you do that?" He says crossing his arms

"What beat you in your own battle?" I ask

"No knock me unconscious" he says annoyed and pissed

"Because you asked for it" I say getting up

"Now where are you going now" he says blocking the way out into the halls

"To my room since I know your going to drag me to it" I say crossing my arms

"Like I care" he says letting me go

"Whatever dude" I say walking away

I walk into my room I shut the door I turned in the lights I opens my notebook and I started drawing drawing and drawing eventually drawing turned into reading then reading turned into working out push ups pull ups ect

I felt someone at my door I stored working out I sat on my bed and started drawing again I don't like it when people see me workout so that was my only option

König comes in "hey dinners done LT wanted me to tell you" he says as he opens the door

"Okay thanks I'll be out in 5" I say getting up

"Great see you YN" könig says as he leaves

I put a basic hoodie on and shorts I walk into the kitchen spaghetti great as I sit down I read a book the serve me I eat I was halfway to my room before someone grabs my solder

I get pulled into a closet ghost it was ghost what did he want who did he want he covers my mouth I felt something on my thigh please tell me it's his belt please tell me it's his belt it was not

"If you talk I'm going to kill you" he growls

"Mhh!" I manage to say

Grip got tighter couldn't breath passed out

Woke up in a room not mine though was it ghosts room? I see ghost walk in I tried getting up hit I was tied down

"No no no no no no" I repeat

"Shut up" he says firmly

( credits to Supreme_Bun_Overlord For this idea )

I screamed and screamed he did not listen he slapped me tears falling down my face

"WAIT NOT CUT ME PLEASE IM SORRY I WILL DO ANYTHING" I screamed more and more he ignored me until I said cut he look over at me seriously

"What the fuck do you mean cut" he asked

Tears falling down my face I did not answer I was desperate to escape I wanted to be free not tied down my cheek hurt from the slap he's fucking rude

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