Dad and stranger

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I look around then I started to cry I just let it out it was stupid because my dad did not like emotion from me so I tried to stop but I couldn't

"SHUT IT BRAT" my dad screamed

"FUCK YOU" I screamed as soon as I said that he slapped me

"" I hear a deep cold voice then ghost along with price and soap came in

"Uhhh....I....RUN" my dad says running out a exit door

Ghost told price and ghost to follow them while he helps me out "I...I'm sorry.." I whisper

"Don't be sorry" he says cutting the ropes

I nod then I get up I look around I wanted to leave so I ran out of the exit door that my dad left through I herd him scream my name as I ran

"YN WHATS WRONG???!!" he screams as I run

After awhile I lost him I was lost I did not know what to do I look around I was in a forest no sight of lights other than the moon light  I look around  trying to find a way out I couldn't find a way out then I hear running

"Shit shit shit" I whisper as i look around I find a small underground hole I go into it

"YN!!! YN!!" I couldn't identify who it was but I think it was ghost

I hear people run around screaming my name after what felt like ten years they leave and move to another area I get out of the hole I then run the opposite direction they came I manage to find a small town I look around this was my home town great I had a secret hideout somewhere so I looked around I found it and I went to it I look around my things then I found what I was looking for

"Here it is!" I whisper I put on the black tights [or black jean's] then a black shirt I then put on a black mask

(I know very emo)

I then look around for my bag I found it I put it on my back then I put on my boots very badass they gave me hight I then get out of my hideout I walk until I came across a telephone box I make a call

"Hello?" A deep voice answers

"Hey I'm ready to kill and shit" I say

"Okay great do you still have your phone or not?" Deep voice asks

"No" I reply

"Okay come to ***** then you'll get a new one" deep voice says

I nod then I hang up I walk to the address I got the phone then I got my first target

Male,23,home address,ect

I go to the address then I go in the home I sneak in through a window I then hide in his closet after a few hours they come home I sneak up in them then I slice their throat cleaning up the blood and making it look like suicidal action I leave

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