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As I practiced the magic more I got more good at it I could make things appear and disappear I could change my whole identity witch is cool so I used it for when I'm killing people

"THERE THEY ARE GET THEM" I hear someone scream I stop stabbing the person I was stabbing and I look up

"Huh?" I say before a group of men charge at me

"GET THEM!" ghost?

"Fuck!" I grab my knife and I run away I start my dark magic shit and I make a gun luckily they didn't see

I start shooting at the group I manage to hit one of them so they stopped to help tie man I shot it bought me time so I continued to run

"BLOODY HELL" I hear the man scream I stop dead in my tracks I turn around slowly

"Ghost?" I whisper they noticed I stopped so they got a good few hits I fall back


"SMOKE BOMB" I shout as dark magic surrounds me

"What the fuck?" Soap

"What kind of magic trick is this?" Gaz asked concerned

Next thing they knew I was gone and in my apartment thanks to you dark magic I got away but I'm badly injured two shots in my leg one in my shoulder and one in my side

"Fuck" I cough

I pull out the bullets with tweezers and then I stitched my wounds I didn't know how to heal thanks to the fucking book that was only one of many books about dark magic so I didn't know much it only gave me a few clues to find the other one

I sit on my couch and I put in the tv putting my image back to my normal self as I watch it I hear a knock I quickly put on a shirt covering my wounds then I open it enough to poke my head through

"Yes?" I ask

"Hello dose a Lin bethy live here?" It was ghost

"I'm sorry who's that?" I ask

"Oh never mind sorry to bother you" soap

"It's okay" I say closing the door

Who's that? I wonder

(For anyone who has that name I'm so so sorry )

I sit on my couch and I do my research she was a 23 female 5'1 and she used to be a L.T nice wonder why she quit or used to live here she also used to be a part of the 141 now I get it probably ended her to look for someone or to get info I'm quiet the stalker

(Omg omg Elizabeth Ellen is a real person!!!😭😭😭😭 I'm changing the name)

As I ye mor information from this person she wa declared dead.... Yesterday and I'm living in the apartment she lived in great I get more deep then I fall asleep I'm too much of a stalker I wake up from my quick nap to a loud bang I heard I quickly get up and look around my home no one in it what the hell

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