Burning pile

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I keep my mouth shut as I listen quietly and intensely

Ghost also was silent along with my dog

We then start hearing a low rumbling noise I couldn't tell what it was from but it sounded horrifying

"What the fuck is that...?" I whisper

Ghost dosent answer instead giving me the look to shut up

I move myself off of him as I put a hand on my mouth

I listen and listen

It's now oddly silent again

"Don't move a muscle" ghost whispers

I nod slightly as I make myself as flat as possible

I keep quiet until I hear what sounds like a animal running

Then shrieking

I froze horrified along with ghost


I don't see my dog anywhere I raise my head a bit to look for them but I couldn't see my dog anywhere

I look over at ghost then calms down once I see my dog behind him

I lay back down as I keep quiet

The thing is gone......for now

I sit up brushing the leaves off of me as I look over at ghost

"We need to get the fuck out of here" I mumble

Ghost nods as he stands up my dog doing the same

(Idk why I added the burning pile song by mother mother just felt like it lol)

Tysm for reading I really appreciate it

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