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I look at the food as he walks away he closes the door I softly pick up the plate and I eat a few bites

His cooking got better....

I finished the plate and I set it doen he came back a few hours later with water

"You like the cooking?" he asked walking over to me

"Yeah it got better" I mumble

"Come on wasn't it better before?" he says sitting on the bed

I just nod as I look at him

"I missed you" he says caressing my cheek

"Sorry" I mumble

(Now this is going to get a bit sad)

"I'm sorry I just... I just felt like I needed time" I say

"You should've told me" he says

"I just feel bad for leaving you like that" I say brining out my hand to hold his

"I know do you want your wrist free?" he asks

"I don't really care" I mumble

"I will let it free" he says brining out a key and uncuffing me

"I'm really sorry" I whisper again hesitantly pulling up his mask and kissing him

He kisses back softly "don't worry" he whispers against my lips

"Still I just left you ghosted you" I say as he deepend the kiss

"Don't worry about it darling" he says again

He climbs ontop of me pulling me over as he cuddles me placing passionate kisses on my neck and collarbone as he places his hand on my hip

"G... Ghost" I say softly as he kisses me

"Shhh darling" he whispers as he hugs my hips

I don't say anything wrapping my arms around his shoulders I really did miss him I love him and I just left him

"I... I love you ghost"

"Me too darling me too" ghost says as he kisses my neck holding my waist now

This went on for a few hours kissing my neck softly as he tells me how much he loves me

"Ghost" I whisper against his chest

"Yes darling?" he says

"Would you still love me if I knew dark magic" I say

"That would make me love you more" he says placing a soft tender kiss on my head

"Good because I know dark magic" I say leaning my head in his chest

"Well I love you more than" he says hugging me tighter around the waist

I nod as u fall asleep in his arms his warmth making me feel safe as I accept my fate in loving him again

    I love him and I wish I didn't leave him I wish I didn't i was scared I didn't know what to do so I just left

    Im sorry ghost

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