This is different

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After I aye ghost asked me to meet up in his office I walk there when I was done I shit the door and sit down

"So we are going to increase your training for reasons" he said leaning on his table

"Lovely" I whisper

"Hmm?" he said looking at my eyes

"Nothing.." I whisper

He just nods and gose on about training with him and having to change rooms

"Wait what?!" I say standing up putting my hand on
the table

"I said you going to have to move in my room so that I can keep a better eye on you" he says

"I refuse" I say crossing my arms

"You have to you have no choice" he says getting up

"I said I refuse" I say putting my hands on the table again

"You have no cho-" he growls before he gets cut off

Knock knock

"Come in" he says sitting back down

Soap comes in with this man I haven't seen before

"Aye so this man would like to explain himself" he says pushing the man

"Fucking hell I got caught roaming around a womans room" the man grumbles

"He was string her uhm things" soap says

I look at the man then at soap "nowni know why my shits been going missing" I grumble as soap looks at me

"Wait we was roaming around your room?" he asked me

"I suppose so I noticed my underwear and bras going missing guess we found the creep" I grumble getting up

"Look man I... Uhm.... Can... Fuck" the stranger says

"May I be dismissed?" I ask ghost

"Go ahead" ghost says looking at the man why did he look jealous?

I walked back to my room why did ghost what me to change rooms? I walked back to my room why did ghost want me to change rooms? Weird I sat on my bed thinking probably for training reason he said after I'm done training I'll change rooms again so that's good

I fell asleep as I did so I hear my room door open and close heavy footsteps walking towards my closet herd my closet door slide open and close I was used to hearing noises while I sleep so that I'm on alert due to my parents I continue to sleep with my back faced to the wall I then turn around I open one eye my closet door close but I felt someone in my closet

I woke up I went over to my closet I herd a quiet


I did not open it I went over to the bathroom to 'use it' after I herd my room door open andose I left my bathroom I change into my basic military clothes and I packed my things to Move Into ghosts room I then walk over to his room I knico on the door

"Come in" I hear a low voice

I walk in seeing ghost in his bed looked like he has not slept all night I set down my things in the bed that was on the other side of the room the only thing separating our beds where a night stand I let out a groan as I get settled in the bed he leaves the room I look around for a bit boring plain room nothing much I look in his night stand I found a box

"Ohhh~" I thought I looked at it but then I herd someone com I put the box away and then I sit on my bed adjusting to the new room

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