Awkward Truths

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A/n: Hey my Ghesties!

It's been another wait, I know, and I'm so sorry for that. Crazy and hectic don't  even begin to cover how things have been.

Before we continue with this chapter, I do want to mention there is talk of some sensitive things and topics not really suitable for people under 16. Read at your own risk!

Enjoy! And don't forget to vote and comment!

It had been a week since Lilit’s eventful birthday party in Primo’s garden and four days since Copia and his ghouls had been away from the Ministry as the band’s tour continued, minus Mountain who returned to Lilit and the Ministry after each Ritual. Between them, Copia and the ghouls had been and would continue to stay at abbeys in or near the towns the Rituals were at, checking on his flock and attending to his Cardinal duties performing rites and sermons, blessings and ceremonies. Mountain had assured Annie that Copia was doing well and being well taken care of, but the distance between them, the time away from her Cardinal and lonely nights in the seemingly too big and empty bed had her quickly feeling alone and not quite herself. He had told her of his plan to do this, and it made sense and at the time she fully supported it, but now, feeling like this after only four days, she could only imagine how much worse it would get as time went on. 

Those left with her, her brother and her ghoulish friends, were quick to note her resigned and borderline depressive demeanor and tried to keep her occupied between her classes and order filling, and while they were together with her she was better, but as soon as she returned to her room for the night it would come rushing back. Thankfully, though, there were no nightmares. That had been one of her biggest fears with his being away. That, and a certain Cardinal, one she had caught glaring at her more than once as they passed in the halls. He avoided her, though, so she was grateful for that.

Sunday she spent the day in the gardens, tending and cultivating herbs she would need for her ever growing commission sheet. Kali had stopped by with some lunch when she hadn't shown up in either the kitchens or dining hall, and he was worried about her.

"Solros," he says with a small smile, pulling her from her thoughts. "Did you forget we were all meeting for lunch?"

"What?" Annie sets down her boline with confusion as she sits back on her knees, turning to look at him. "It's not lunchtime yet."

He sighs softly and holds up the plate he was carrying. "Annie, it's past two. You missed lunch. What are you even doing out here?"

"Gathering herbs for my orders. The siblings have been requesting more and more from me lately, especially contraceptives and, or,  aphrodisiacs." She sighs with a small laugh as she shakes her head. "I know Copia said sex isn't everything for you lot, but it sure seems like that."

"True, the siblings are free and encouraged to engage in such things, but… not everyone here is sex crazed."

"It's hard to believe. Sometimes I feel like the only one not participating in having sex. Hells, even Lilit…" Annie cuts off and shakes her head again before dragging a hand over her face. Kali sighs again and eases himself down until he's sitting next to her, looking up at the partly cloudy sky.

"You aren't alone in your abstinence, Solros. You really aren't. Most others around are horny fuckers, though. I won’t deny that."

"I've heard Dew and Swiss are the worst."

Kali throws his head back with a loud laugh, Annie giggling next to him. He bumps into her with a nod once his laughter subsides. “Yeah. They are. You’re lucky your rooms are all the way up on the upper levels. Us down in the dens? Not so lucky. Fuckin rabbits, not ghouls. That’s what they are. Loud, horny, kinky rabbits.”

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