Truths and Turmoil

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The world was spinning, a kaleidoscope of bright colors slowly coming into focus accompanied by a wave of cold nausea as sound is the next to return. It was far away and growing closer, getting louder as the ringing in her ears faded.

"Annie! Annie, come back to us now. Come on, Sorellina. That's it."

"A..Alessandro..?" Annie blinks, eyes coming back into focus seeing the ghostly man kneeling over her with worry etched deep into his brow, worry that smooths away once she turns her eyes to him.

"Si, it is me. You gave us quite a fright. What happened?" He helps her sit up and she groans as her head throbs enough to make her stomach roll. He rubs his hand along her back in a soothing manner, his hand colder than ice even through the fabric of her dress and she shivers, shoulders tensing. "Ah, mi dispiace. I am cold and that might make you feel worse."

"It's not that. I don't… I don't like when people touch my back."

Instantly he withdraws his hand shooting her an apologetic look. "Forgive me. I just wished to offer some comfort, not make you uncomfortable."

"It's okay." Annie blinks and looks over at him with a small but warm smile. "What happened?"

"That is what I was wondering." He eases off his knees to sit next to her, one leg straight with the other bent and he leans against that one in a relaxed manner. "I was arguing with mio fratello and then he broke off his sentence and pointed to you. When I turned your head was thrown back and both your eyes and the book were both glowing white. I could not get your attention but you were not like that for long before the book slammed shut and you fell back."

Annie blinks and looks around, spying the book on the ground next to her open but the pages blank as memories of what she saw spring to the forefront of her mind. "Ma. She was in the pool. She told me to do something with the book, and I did, and then… I saw it."

"Saw what?"

"My mom. Her life from when she met my father to the night he abandoned her on the steps of the Ministry. I saw… things, but I'm just as confused. Alessandro, " she turns to him, confusion and worry deep in her gaze. "I'm… I'm not just human, am I?"

He's silent a moment before eventually turning away with a sigh and slight shake of his head. "No. You aren't."

"He had wings." Alessandro turns back to her as she pulls her knees to her chest. "Large feathery wings, like a bird. They came out of his back when he flew away. I've never seen anything like it."

"He's one of the last. The others like him, they've all been hunted down."

"That's why he kept saying it wasn't safe? Why it will never be safe for me if people were to learn about the blood I share with him?"

He nods, and a silence falls over them. Annie looks back over the pond, no longer as bright as the moon has begun its descent as tears build in her eyes and blur her vision.

"I still don't know what he was, but I'm scared, Alessandro. Scared for what that means for my future. For the future of those I love and care for. People have already gotten hurt and died because of me… Just being around anyone puts a target on their backs as well and I don't want that."

"Is anyone ever truly safe in life?" He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair, pulling it away from his face. "My brothers and I, we thought we were safe here in our home, surrounded by our ghouls and yet we were still killed. You and Lilit thought you were safe at your home, but you were found and captured. The covens thought they were safe yet they were attacked. Don't be your mother, Annie. Don't let your fear prevent you from living your life."

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