Bachelor(ette) Parties

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Hello everyone!
First of all, I want to profusely apologize for the absence. I was sick for a couple weeks on top of MAJOR writers' block, but finally...finally I have finished this chapter!

So without further ado- enjoy!


It was definitely easier with Copia being home, only gone for two days to perform a Ritual and take care of some summonings at the Moscow abbey. No anxious depression, wondering how the other was or what they were doing. If they were being taken care of or if they were safe, but that was the only thing easy about the days before the wedding as their individual duties and tasks to finish before the ceremony kept them busy during the days and left them exhausted by the time they were ready for bed. Annie was anxious about them finally taking that next step on top of her being nervous and worried about everything going well for her little sister and it often left her mind racing as she overthought every minute detail.

It was Tuesday afternoon, the day before the wedding when Lilit and Annie made their way through the halls after Annie's class was dismissed, Annie carrying a tray with tea and fresh baked goodies as they made their way to Papa's study after receiving a summons from Phil, one of the oldest of the clergy ghouls here at the ministry who handled a lot of things out of sight.

“I wonder what it is he wants to talk about,” Lilit mused.

“He probably wants to ask about tomorrow. It's not every day a ghoul and a witch get married, after all.”

Lilit giggles and blushes, a smile spreading wide across her face. “I'm getting married tomorrow!”

Annie smiles and gently bumps into her with her own soft laugh. “My little bug, all grown up.”

“I've been grown up for a while, Eldfluga. You're just finally letting yourself see it.”

Annie hums her response as they turn the final corner, Lilit walking ahead while dragging her fingers against the wall to feel along the brass plates that hung next to each door stating what room was what. Papa's study was part of the same hall as the Clergy offices, down farther past where Copia's office was. Annie wondered how he was doing today as they passed his closed door.

“Two more down, Vorblom. I've been here before.”

“I have, too. It's just fun feeling the different textures under my fingers.” Lilit smiles back at her before knocking on Papa's door, opening it when the elderly man called for them to enter and letting Annie in before entering herself, closing the door behind her.

“Ah! Le mie streghe preferite! Benvenuto! Entra, entra!”

Annie giggles at the way his face lit up in a wide smile as he stood behind his desk, his typewriter forgotten as he rounds it to meet them only to be pulled back by the tube connecting his oxygen mask to the tank.

“Oh, Papa,” Annie gently chides as she sets her tray down before stepping over to assist him, untangling the tube from where it was stuck under his arm rest before pulling the tank behind her as she helps him to one of the plush seats.

“Forgive my excitement. I am just so happy to see you both have come.”

Lilit smiles and sits on the couch closest to his chair, reaching over to rest her hand on his arm rest. “You sent for us, Papa. Why would we not come?”

“Bah!” He waves his hand dismissively as he settles back. “You could have ignored me. There are more important things, no? Last minute details for your wedding!”

Annie pours the tea as she gives a soft laugh, handing a cup to Papa before passing Lilit one. “We've got everything figured out. The girls and I are going to set up in the morning, then go help Lilit get ready. It's going to be lovely, and then afterwards a celebration to remember.”

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