Full Moon Mysteries

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I am so sorry this update took forever. Life has been sending curveball after curveball and it's been hectic to say the least!
Hopefully I'll be able to sit down and get more writing done in the upcoming days and get another update out sooner. For now, enjoy!

And don't forget to vote and comment! I miss you guys!  ❤️


Tuesday, the night of the full moon, came quicker than Annie could blink and, as the hours ticked by, the more nervous she felt. What was it that Alessandro would tell her? For so long she wanted answers, but could she even bear to hear them? What would knowing then change, if anything? So many questions swirled through her mind, distracting her through the day enough it made both her brother and her sister - even with her knowing what was happening tonight - worried for her, enough so that Kali didn’t want to leave her thinking she was rapidly spiraling once more.

“Solros, you really haven’t been yourself since they left,” he tells her as he cleans up the kitchen table while she sipped at a glass of wine, her eyes vacant as she stared blankly at the far wall once more lost in her thoughts. “That’s it. I’m staying here tonight.”

That grabs her attention and she blinks and turns her focus to him, lowering her glass to the table. “I’m fine, Kali. Really. Just thinking about a lot of things.”

“Like what?”

“Like… like…”

He sighs and rests his palms on the table, leaning his weight on them as he frowns. “That’s what I’m talking about. You don’t even know. I will call Aether back here in a heartbeat to check on you if I need to. Do I need to?”

“You know they have a Ritual tonight. Don’t go bothering them when they aren’t needed here.”

“Aren’t they?” Kali pulls out a chair next to her and sits, taking one of her hands in both of his. “I thought…”

“Thought what?”

He sighs softly, his thumbs brushing against her knuckles. “I thought after we had such a good day Sunday that you’d start to get out of whatever funk you’re in, but… you’re even more distant than usual. I really am worried, Annie.”

She smiles softly and reaches up to brush her thumb over his stubble covered cheek before leaning over to press their foreheads together. “You’re an amazing big brother. Thank you for all you do, and I’m sorry for worrying you, but I promise I’m okay. If I need help, with anything, I’ll ask.”

“I’m still gonna stay here tonight.”


He shakes his head and gives her a lopsided smile. “Nope. Not gonna change my mind.”

“And what, sleep in your jeans? That hardly seems comfortable.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time, won’t be the last.”

“You’re ridiculous.”

“You love me.”

Annie laughs softly and shakes her head. Above them the clock chimes the hour, Annie counting the tolls as they ring out stopping after nine. Only three hours until she’s supposed to meet Terzo and Omega. That brought a new problem. If Kali was insisting on staying the night, how could she sneak out? Glancing around the room she pauses her gaze on her shelves of herbs resting in jars in their neat rows and she sighs inwardly knowing what she could do.

“How about some tea?”


Annie covers Kali with the plush throw blanket before gently brushing some wayward strands of hair from his face with a small smile. It’s been some time since she’s seen her brother so relaxed, but it tugged at her heart knowing it was because of the tea she drugged him with. He would be fine and would wake up feeling the most refreshed he ever had with no knowledge of what had happened, but even knowing that didn't ease the guilt she felt.

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