The Talk

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A/N: strap in and hold on tight.
This chapter is a Rollercoaster and a half.

Tissue warning now in effect. You may need them...



Things, Seth thought, had been going fairly okay since he told Rain they needed to talk, since Rain came back from the lake. Tense, sure, but okay. Today was going well, until it wasn’t. The tension could be felt like a heavy weight dragging him down but he tried. He really tried for Lilit. It was her birthday party after all, and Rain looked so breathtaking in his dress. He couldn’t keep his eyes off the ghoul he loved. They sat together. Ate together. Talked quietly. Rain had even smiled!

And then Lilit and Mountain gave the announcement that they were expecting a child. Seth saw it on Rain’s face - a knowing smile that tilted the corner of his lips up just so.

Did you know?’ Seth had signed to him.

Yes…’ Rain signed slowly. ‘I’ve known for weeks.’

‘Why didn’t you tell me?’

‘It wasn’t for me to tell, Seth.’ Rain let out a soft sigh. ‘Can we not do this right now and just be happy for them? Please?’

‘You tell me everything, though,’ Seth pressed. ‘You know I wouldn’t have said anything. How many secrets have you told me? ….How many have you kept from me?’

‘Seth, please…’

Before the man could reply, everyone was moving, clearing the tables and setting up for a fire and the two were forced to move and help, the pair separating for their different tasks. The tension was still there, but lessened as they found themselves sitting next to each other once more.

You’ve never doubted me before. Why now?’ Rain signed to Seth.

I..’ Seth sighed, lowering his hands for a moment. ‘A lot has changed recently. I’ve had too much time to think about things.’

‘What things?’

‘Things about me. You… about us and…’

‘And..?’ Rain signed slowly, looking at Seth with worried eyes.



Seth looked across the circle to where Kali sat leaned forward, elbows on his knees and head in his hands with his fingers tangled in his hair. Rain followed his gaze and frowned before quickly turning back to the man next to him.

Seth, you’re the one I’m with. The one I want.’ Rain reached up and wiped at his eyes before tears could fall over his cheeks. ‘The one I love.’

‘I love you too, Rain. Which is why…’

‘Why what?’

‘Why we need to talk.’

‘‘I don’t know what's to talk about.’ Rain reached up and wiped at his eyes again, Seth frowning at him feeling his heart give a pang. ‘I thought things were going so good with us. I told you I was sorry for how I was after the Ritual. You know how I respond to shit like that! I was scared. Overwhelmed. I shut down. It could’ve been anyone and I would have been like that with them. If it was anyone but him you wouldn’t have this problem. I wanted it to be you, but you weren’t there. He just happened to be the one there and I was so out of it… I’m sorry Seth. I’ve told you I’m sorry!’

Bloody Angel: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now