Chapter 10 - Tell me what's wrong

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When Jamie entered his room, he didn't immediately saw Will. It wasn't until he was dressed in his comfy clothes and looking for his biology book that he saw friend sitting on the small space in front of his bedroom window. Just like when he was in Jamie's car, Will was looking out of the window again. He still had no emotion showing on his face so Jamie didn't really know whether his friend was feeling angry or sad or just plain sulky. What Jamie did know was that Will was nowhere near happy.

Instead of talking to Will some more like his mother had recommended, Jamie decided to first give his friend sometime to think about whatever it is that's bothering him. So he just began memorizing the first few lyrics of the Spanish pop song that Mr. Cortez had given to them to perform as their project whilst eating the cupcake that his mom gave it. After an hour of memorizing the first two verses of the song, Jamie then finally decided to break the silence surrounding them.

"Want to talk about?" He said to his friend in hopes of making Will even slightly respond to the things happening around him. Unfortunately, his attempt on getting a word out of Will failed. The thought kinda reminded him of Keith.

"I hope you're not suddenly going to become a mute out of choice just like Keith." Jamie joked.

Unexpectedly, Will responded at those words. He turned his head back at Jamie and glared at him with icy blue eyes.

"That isn't even funny."

"Geesh, I'm sorry." Jamie immediately exclaimed. "No need to get your panties in a bunch."

"Just shut it, will you?" The young man stated.

"Just tell me what's wrong already."

Will turned his head back to the window again.

"Nothing's wrong." He told his friend but his tone said otherwise.

Jamie sighed at that. He knew that he was going nowhere if he just continues to pester Will about his sulky mood. He moved away his Spanish project from his desk and began answering his biology homework.

Two hours had passed. Jamie had finished answering his biology and maths homework. He also finished reading six long but exciting chapters of Hollow City and still Will hadn't uttered a word besides his little remark two hours earlier. Jamie was starting to get a little pissed by now. Will knew how much he hated awkward silences and this one was taking too damn long to end. Jamie also expected Will to just vanish into thin air like he always does and just come back when he's already in a good mood but no, his good ole friend didn't do anything like that. Will just remained in his comfortable position by the window, looking at who knows what. Suddenly, Jamie couldn't take the silence anymore.

"Why won't you just tell me what the bloody hell is wrong with you?!?" He shouted at Will.

Jamie could tell that his friend definitely wasn't expecting an outburst from him. Will kinda jumped from his seat a bit because of Jamie's loud voice. This time, Jamie was sure that his friend would act all sorry for his sulky attitude and just say what's wrong already but Will decided to do the one thing his friend wouldn't expect for him to do. He shouted back at him.

"I fucking saw someone kill himself, Jamie!" Will exclaimed, suddenly vanishing from his seat on the window and then immediately appearing in front of his friend's bed where the latter was laying down. "That's what's bloody wrong with me!"

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