Chapter 14 - Fúcking Cliffhanger

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"REALLY? You end the last chapter with a fúcking cliffhanger? Without giving any detail as to what happened soon after? Just when things were about to be crazy and exciting? That's freaking horrible of you man!"

Jamie almost had the urge to throw his copy of Hollow City into the wall in front of him or even rip the book's pages one by one until he was left with nothing more than just fragments of a book he loves. That was how much he hated how Ransom Riggs ended chapter thirteen, also known as the last motherfúcking chapter of the said book. The chapter was too much of a cliffhanger and he doubt if he could wait a year more until the next book would be released. That was when he considered leaving his life as Jamie Dean R. Perkins and entering a new life where he would be known as Michael Dickinsons the greatest author who ever lived. Michael Dickinsons will take the terms in his own hands and write his own version of the sequel to Hollow City because of just how much impatient he was to wait for the actually book. The book he wrote entitled Monsters Around Us will then be a major success which will then lead into his debut as a director directing the movie adaptation of his own book. The movie, like the book, will be just as successful. It will bring in so much cash into Michael Dickinson's life that he will then decide to just stop writing and directing and just spend the rest of his time here on earth playing golf at his favorite country golf club. Michael Dickinsons will then die a happy death and peaceful death at then age of a hundred and twelve. The End.

"That's even a better ending than the ending of the last chapter of this book!" Jamie couldn't help but exclaim out loud even though he will be the only one who knew about the short existence of Michael Dickinson.

"Yeah? A better ending than the one where you left me really horny and still blindfolded on your bed?"

Will materialized on the bean bag in front of Jamie's bed, glaring at the latter the moment his blue eyes appeared. Jamie laughed at that but then began rubbing the back of his neck when he noticed that his friend hadn't stopped glaring at him. He sighed.

"Look, Amita was calling my name for breakfast. I just couldn't continue what I was doing to you since they'd get suspicious and come to my room. Besides, I told you I'd come back." Jamie reasoned.

Will scoffed at that.

"Uh huh. You came back after two 'short' hours. I was waiting for you for about half an hour when I realized how stupid I looked all blindfolded and hard on your bed."

"Oh. So that's why you were gone when I came back." Jamie stated, remembering the moment he went back to his room only to find the bed empty. No sign of Will.

"Yeah. I had to take care of myself while you were spending your precious time eating vanilla ice cream as your breakfast." Will jeered.

"You took care of yourself." Jamie teased, knowing that Will might've decided to just touch himself to ease the pain of being left with pent up pleasure. Will just rolled his eyes which made Jamie chuckle.

"Wait. How did you know I was eating vanilla ice cream?" Jamie then questioned at him. He was surprised to see his friend's face suddenly reddening.

"Remember how the vanilla got into your fingers and you licked it all clean?"

"Yeah..." Jamie answered, still not knowing where Will was going with this.

"I jerked off while watching you do it."


"I have my needs woman!"

"That's seriously disturbing, dude."

"Disturbing is my middle name!"

"Jares is your middle name."

"I changed it last night."

"You're an idiot."

"Yeah but I'm your idiot!"

"I hate my life."



After five or six months of not uploading and writing, I am finally back! Can you hear the angels singing?

You can't?





Now that the awkward silence has finally passed, I am pleased to tell you that I will now continue posting chapters in this book again. I haven't had the time to do so these past months because I just started college at this university that I don't really like with a course that I kind of like (BS Accountancy)but is way too time consuming and at times confusing  even though I am just on my second semester. So now that it's Christmas break, I will have some free time to write and update this story. I'm gonna apologize in advance though because I have forgotten some of the details to this book and I might have to refresh my memory of it so as not to fúck up the storyline. That's it for this chapter's author's note! Merry Christmas everybody! 

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