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Jamie first saw Will when he was six years old.

It was a cold snowy afternoon and Jamie was just sitting by the swing at the school playground, waiting for his mother to come fetch him. He was slowly playing on the swing set by himself when a boy that looked his age went over to him.


The boy smiled at Jamie, showing his pearly white set of teeth. Jamie didn't know what to do at first. His mom said that he should never talk to strangers, no matter how old they were or how they looked but Jamie somehow had the feeling that he should talk to the kid in front of him. So he did.

"Hello." Jamie greeted back with a smile which he, himself, knew looked rather awkward.

Jamie was a very awkward kid. That much is certain.

"What are you doing here? Didn't classes end already?" The unfamiliar kid asked him as he began approaching the swing next to Jamie's. He sat down.

"Yes. I'm just waiting for my mommy."


Jamie continued playing on the swing again. This time, the boy beside him played along. Together they went high into the air. Jamie couldn't resist letting out a small giggle when he felt himself being lifted up so high. Not even a full minute had passed when Jamie found himself laughing along with the boy he was with. The boy even volunteered to get up from his swing just so he could help push Jamie higher on his own swing.

"What's your name?" Jamie asked the boy, when they both decided to just sit on their swings leisurely.

The dark haired boy smiled brightly at him, his blue eyes almost looked as if they were sparkling.

"I'm William J. Rhodes but you can call me Will. What about you? What's your name?"

"I'm Jamie Dean R. Perkins."

"Cool name."


After three short minutes, the two boys continued to play once again. This time, Jamie was the one who pushed William on the swing. He could feel himself smile because of the laughter coming out of his new found friend. He didn't stop his gentle pushing until he caught sight of his mother entering the school's playground.

"Mommy! Look!" Jamie called out to her.

He continued to push William on the swing until it was so high in the air that the latter was shouting with excitement. Then he smiled at his mother so that she could see just how great he was at making his new friend fly. Daniela Perkins smiled softly at her son and went over to him.

"Come on now, son. Let's go home and eat some spaghetti."

Jamie stopped his movements and moved to the side of the swing set so as not to disturb William's swinging. He gave a little pout at his mother.

"But mommy, I just made a new friend!" He whined at her, tugging on her hands and pointing at William on the swing. "You see that boy? That's my new friend Will."

Pamela chuckled softly at her son. She leaned down and ruffled Jamie's hair then gave the sweet boy a kiss on his nose.

"Sweetheart, stop being so silly. There's nothing on that swing but air."

"What are you talking about? Will is right over there!" Jamie exclaimed, now waving at his new friend who waved back at him.

"Jamie, come on now. Let's go. Daddy will be back soon and I want be able to finish cooking by then."

"But, mom, Will is-

"Jamie." Pamela spoke in a tone that told Jamie that his mother was now in no mode for games.

"Okay, fine. I'll just say goodbye to him."

Pamela nodded at her son. She scanned the entire playground. There was nobody there but the two of them. Pamela just let it slide and gave way her son's imagination.

"Go and say goodbye to your friend. I'll just wait in the car, alright?"

"Yes, mommy."

Pamela ruffled her son's hair one more time then began walking to her black Ford which she just parked in front of the playground. She got the heating going inside the car then turned on the radio. After that, she looked out the window to see Jamie talking to the empty swing set. Her son was smiling and waving at nothing in particular as if he was seeing something she couldn't.

"You'll just stay here?" Jamie asked his new friend.

"I'll stay here for a while and then I'll go home."

"Is the way to your house safe?"


"Okay then. See you tomorrow!"

"You too!"

Jamie began waving farewell at William as he started walking towards the black car.

"Bye Jamie!"

"Bye Will!"

Jamie entered the black car and closed its door. The engine of the car started and off it went. Meanwhile, William stayed swinging on the school playground, smiling a bit to himself.

Jamie first saw Will when he was six years old. The problem was, that he was the only one that could see him.

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