Chapter 1

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Ruhi's pov

Malhotra Mansion was fully decorated, just like a bride, and for a good reason-it was the wedding of Malhotra's elder son. (The Malhotra family is one of the most powerful families in Mumbai.)

Sunaina Malhotra: Oh, God! Ahaan, please check if Rudra is ready or not. It's almost time for the wedding procession.

Ahaan: Yes, maa

Sunaina: Aashu, beta, go outside and make sure everything is ready.

Why are you so anxious? Everything is sorted and ready. Relax - vikram said while coming inside

Aashi: Yes, Maa, relax.

Sunaina: Now, where is Ahaan? He went to call Rudra, but where did he disappear now?


Rudra, in his balcony, talking to Vaidehi: Hello, are you there?

Vaidehi: Yes, yes. (Inner thoughts: Oh God, I can't hear properly with all this noise and poor network.)

Rudra: I'm only doing this for my family; I love someone else

Vaidehi: Okay

Rudra: Okay? Are you sure, Vaidehi? You want to marry me knowing that I love someone else?

Vaidehi: Yes, of course. (I don't know what he's blabbering about with this noise and network issues)

Rudra: Alright, it's your choice, Vaidehi; Just know that you shouldn't expect those husband-wife relationships from me, okay?
Vaidehi: Okay?

Rudra: Sure, okay.

Vaidehi: (I don't know why he's saying "sure okay" to what. If I ask again, these girls will eat me alive. Vaidehi, just say okay and hang up. You have your whole life to talk to him again.)

Rudra: Hello, Vaidehi. Are you still there?

Yes, yes, Rudra, I'm here. - vaidehi replied

Rudra: So, are you sure about this? I mean...

Vaidehi: Yes, of course, I said I'm sure.

Rudra: As you wish.

Vaidehi: Alright, now bye. Everyone is calling me.

Rudra: Okay.

After bidding, bye vaidehi hung up the call

Malhotra Mansion:

Ahaan: Bhaiiiii!

Rudra: Why are you shouting? I'm right here. (While coming in from the balcony)

Ahaan: Maa is calling you downstairs

Rudra: Yeah, I'm coming

Ahaan: Bhai, what were you doing in the balcony with the door closed?

Rudra didn't respond

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