Chapter 29

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Rudra and Vaidehi moved from there to the other side.

"Vo rahe vansh bhaiya," Vaidehi said.
(Brother vansh is there)

"Vansh here?" exclaimed Rudra.

"Why wasn't he coming? Wasn't he invited?" Vaidehi asked.

"No, the ones coming didn't include Vansh, as far as I know," Rudra said.

"Maybe he's with someone else; let's ask him," Vaidehi suggested.

"Yes, let's go," agreed Rudra, and they both approached them.

Hey, bro," Rudra said, and suddenly, he noticed the girl, shocked to realize it was none other than Ruhi.

"Hey, you here?" Vansh asked.

"It was my friend's birthday, and he wanted to meet some friends too," Vaidehi explained.

"Oh, okay," Vansh said.

"But you're here, and this..." Vaidehi gestured towards Ruhi, "bro, you didn't mention anything."

"What?!" Vansh asked, not understanding.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Vaidehi asked excitedly.

"Excuse me, he's like my brother," Ruhi clarified.

"Yeah, you're misunderstanding bhabhi, she's like my sister," Vansh said.

Ruhi gave him a death glare because he called her bhabhi'

"Um, well, so this is Ruhi, our friend, right Rudra?" Vansh introduced.

Rudra was completely shocked.
"Rudraaa," Vansh shook him, bringing him back to his senses.

"H-ha," Rudra stammered.

"And She's Vaidehi, Rudra ki..." vansh was about to say, but Ruhii completed him, saying "wife. "

"Yeah, Hi Ruhi, nice to meet you," Vaidehi said, extending her hand.

"Hey, same to you," Ruhi replied, shaking her hand.

"Vansh, come with me for a minute," Rudra said, dragging him away.

"Why?" Vansh asked.

"Just come," Rudra insisted.

"What are you doing here, and with Ruhi? You could've told me," Rudra said.

"Yeah, you told me in a dream last night that you were bringing Vaidehi to this club," Vansh retorted.

"Why are you both here, anyway?" Rudra asked.

"Just here to chill," Vansh responded.

"Chill like this?" Rudra asked, rolling his eyes.

"You know Ruhi; just to divert her mind we are here, misha was also joining but due to some emergency she dropped the plan, You also said to keep meeting her, so here we are," Vansh reasoned.

"I hope there won't be any trouble. Seeing Vaidehi, Ruhi's anger must be on cloud nine by now," Rudra expressed concern.

"Hope for the best," Vansh said.

"Yeah, let's go; leaving them alone might not be safe," Rudra said.

"Sure, let's go," Vansh agreed, and both returned to join the others.

"Sorry, Ruhi," Vaidehi apologized.

"For what?" Ruhi asked.

"I thought you and Vansh were..." Vaidehi started.

"It's okay, misunderstandings happen," Ruhi said.

"So you know Rudra, too?" Vaidehi asked excitedly.

"Rag Rag se wakif hu uski," Ruhi muttered under her breath slowly.
(I'm familiar with him inside out)

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