Chapter 10

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Ruhi's POV

After dinner, Suraj and Gaytri left for Gayatri's home for some reason. Rudra and Ahaan dropped them at the railway station because they wanted to go by train.

When they came back, Sunaina asked, "Did you drop maa-papa in the train safely right?"

"Yes, maa," Ahaan replied. "And maa, tomorrow I'm going on a trip with some of my friends. Please wake me up early in the morning."

"Where are you going? And why are you telling us at the last minute, did you ask Papa?" Sunaina responded to his sudden announcement.

"Dadu has given permission. Why would Papa refuse? Besides, we also have an international conference to attend, and our group has been selected," Ahaan explained.

"But where are you going?" Rudra asked this time.

"We're going to Nainital, bhaii," Ahaan replied, thinking for a moment.

"Is your packing done?" Vaidehi asked this time.

"No, going to do it. Bye, guys, good night," he said and quickly went to his room.

Aashi (coming from kitchen) being excited, said, "Maa, should we give it to our bhaii-Bhabhi?"

"What are you going to give?" Rudra asked after hearing her.

"It's a surprise for you," she said, showing her enthusiasm.

"I love surprises, tell me quickly, Aashu, what is it?" Vaidehi said, eagerly awaiting the surprise.

"Yes, give it," Sunaina agreed.

Aashi quickly brought an envelope from the side and handed it over to Vaidehi.

"What is this?" Vaidehi asked.

"Open it," Aashi encouraged her.

Vaidehi opened it and found two tickets to Paris.
"Oh my god," she exclaimed in surprise.

"What happened?" Rudra asked.

"This is..." Vaidehi was about to say, but Aashi jumped in, saying, "It's honeymoon tickets to Paris."

"Whose honeymoon?" Rudra asked.

"Come on, bhaii, you've just got married, so obviously it's your honeymoon," Aashi explained.

"Sorry, bachha, but I can't go. I have a lot of work in the office," Rudra replied.

"If you don't go, I won't talk to you, bhaii. What's the point of always being in the office?don't you have a personal life?" Aashi whined.

"Well, then, Vaidehi, start packing for both of you. You're leaving tomorrow evening, and I don't want any excuses," Sunaina ordered.

"Yes, Mom," Vaidehi replied. She wanted to laugh but managed to control herself, and everyone headed to their rooms.

Rudra was on the balcony when he heard Vaidehi calling him from the wardrobe. He sighed and went there.

"Hmm?" he hummed.

"Could you please take down this bag? My hand can't reach it," she said, pointing to the suitcase.

"Why?" Rudra asked.

"Why? Because we need to pack, Maa said so," she replied.

"Go and talk to Maa and tell her we're not going anywhere," Rudra said casually and was about to leave but stopped when he heard her.

She said, "Why should I refuse? I want to go."

"You want to go on a honeymoon?" Rudra asked in amusement.

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