Chapter 2

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Ruhi's POV

Pandit ji instructed Rudra to make the bride wear the mangalsutra. Rudra was lost in his thoughts,
pandit ji repeated again, but rudra didn't respond
Vaidehi's parents exchanged their concerned looks with Malhotras

Suraj (a bit louder): Rudra!
Rudra: J-ji, Dadu?

Suraj: Pandit ji is asking you to put the mangalsutra; Dhyan kaha h tumhara? (Where is your focus?)

Rudra (apologetic): Sorry
(He proceeded to put the mangalsutra on Vaidehi)

Vaidehi (softly): Are you okay?

Rudra: Yes.
Vaidehi smiled at him.

Pandit ji: Now, fill the bride's maang (hairline) with sindoor (vermillion).
Rudra followed Pandit Ji's instructions diligently.

Rudra: Are you sure you're marrying your own will? I mean the call...

Vaidehi: Oh, of course. I'm marrying willingly.

Rudra: After knowing everything?

Yes, absolutely - vaidehi responded positively

Rudra nodded slightly in response.

Vaidehi (internally): So, that's what he was asking on the call that I'm marrying willingly or not! Thank God, I don't have to tell him that I didn't hear anything.
And of course, am not doing anything against my will, Father told me everything about him; I'm marrying him knowing all that.

After a while, the wedding concluded, and Rudra and Vaidehi took blessings from their elders and hugged the younger ones.

Aashi: Vaidehi dee, you're officially my sister-in-law now! I'm so happy!
Vaidehi smiled at her.

Sunaina to Ankita: From today, Vaidehi is our daughter.
Avinash & Ankita folded their hands in gratitude towards the Malhotra family.
Vikram: You don't need to worry anymore; Vaidehi is now our daughter.

After some emotional moments, Vaidehi bid farewell to her parents and relatives, and the wedding procession returned to the Malhotra Mansion.

In the Malhotra Mansion, they gave Vaidehi a grand welcome with all the rituals.

Sunaina: Aashu
Aashi: Yes, Maa?
Sunaina: Take Vaidehi to her room, betaa
Aashi: Yes, Maa.
She escorted Vaidehi upstairs.

Vansh: Alright, Aunty, uncle, I should leave too.
Sunaina: Of course, dear, and your mom-dad..?
Vansh- they already left from Vaidehi's home
Sunaina-oh okay okay

Rudra: Let me drop you outside.
Vansh: Sure.
Rudra and Vansh went outside.

Vansh: Are you okay, bro?

Rudra: They left me with no other option

Vansh: Rudra, look...

Leave it, Vansh. It's all over now. I've done what they wanted - Rudra said exhaustedly

Vansh: What do you mean, "done"? You're married to that girl; she must have expectations from her husband.

I already talked to her about everything before the wedding, and she agreed - Rudra replied

Vansh: Agreed? Just agreed like that?

Ahaan suddenly appeared from nowhere:- see na vansh bhai, like how can she be okay with this all

Vansh: Ahaan is right, Rudra. Are you sure she's okay with this?

Leave it, guys. I said I'm done with this. The family wanted me to marry her, and I did as they said. Now, I don't care about her or this wedding. If the family wanted her, then let them be happy with their so-called daughter-in-law : Rudra said in frustration

Ahaan: Yeah, bhai, I don't care about her either.

Vansh and Rudra exchanged surprised looks like- tujhse kisine puchaa kya (nobody asked you ahaan)

Ahaan: What? Why are you guys looking at me like that?

Forget it. Alright, Vansh, see you tomorrow- Rudra said while hugging vansh

Vansh: Yeah, see you.
They broke the hug, and Vansh left.

Rudra looked at Ahaan, who was giving him a look.
Rudra: What?

Ahaan: It's not fair, bhai.

Rudra: What?

Ahaan: You don't give me importance in front of Vansh bhai.

Rudra: I'm too tired for this right now. Can we discuss it later?

Ahaan: Fine, go. She must be waiting for you.

Rudra: Shut up, Ahaan. I already told you; I don't care about her.
& Rudra went inside the house.

Ahaan (mimicking Rudra): I don't give a damn about her. If you don't, then neither do I.

{Bhai ka chamcha, huh?

So tell me about chapter 2? How was it? What are your thoughts about first convo? Where will lead this misunderstanding to Rudra-Vaidehi??
Please let me know your thoughts in the comment section, and please don't forget to vote this chapter
Happy Reading 🤗🤍

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