Chapter 7

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Ruhi's POV

"In the evening, as the guests began arriving at the reception, the Malhotras extended a warm and grand welcome to each one of them.

Rudra and Vaidehi graced the stage, graciously receiving gifts and well-wishes from their friends and family

To Vaidehi's surprise, Rudra's demeanor was remarkably composed and well-mannered throughout the first half of the reception.

She couldn't help but wonder, "Has he truly heeded my advice? Or is something else going on in his mind? He's behaving so impeccably..."
"What does it matter, Vaidehi? Whatever the reason, as long as he's behaving himself, that's all you could hope for." She explained herself

(Well, well, guess what? Rudra's acting all proper and nice at the party for a simple reason.
Before the guests arrived, Dadu had a talk with him.
Dadu said, "I hope you'll be on your best behavior at this party. We've got a lot of important guests coming, and you know, Rudra, the Malhotra family's reputation is super important!"
So, in a nutshell, Rudra's being a good boy because Dadu told him to and because the Malhotra family's name is at stake.! Sorry, vaidi baby, not because of you😬)

The reception sailed smoothly, with Rudra and Vaidehi stealing the spotlight with their mesmerizing dance performance. As they swayed to the music, they exuded the charm of a couple deeply in love, a picture-perfect pair. In Vaidehi's words, they were the "best couple in town."

As the late evening descended, the reception concluded on a high note, and the guests bid their farewells after a hearty dinner.

Exhausted family members also retreated to their respective rooms, seeking rest and respite.

Rudra opened the door to his ahh! i mean "their" room, and boy, was it a sight to see - an absolute mess! 😂

His immediate reaction? "What the..."

Unbeknownst to him, Vaidehi was right behind, busy taking off her jewelry. Oblivious to the chaos, she asked, "What's wrong? Come on in; why are you standing there? I'm exhausted, you know."

Rudra shot her a death glare, prompting Vaidehi to inquire again, "What?"

"Why is the room in such a state?" Rudra asked in disbelief while entering inside, gesturing to the scattered makeup, towels, clothes, and pins.

Vaidehi, still looking at herself in the mirror, explained, "I was in a hurry to get ready, so things got a bit disorganized."

Clearly unhappy with the untidiness, Rudra implored, "Please, keep the room clean and tidy. Put everything in its place, alright?" He then hurried to the wardrobe area.

Vaidehi couldn't help but wonder if Rudra had a touch of OCD.
Nevertheless, she shrugged it off, settled in front of the mirror, and began removing her jewelry and accessories.

Once Rudra emerged from the wardrobe area, freshly changed, he expected Vaidehi to have tidied up. To his surprise, she hadn't 😂.

Annoyed, he called for a housemate, who promptly arrived and asked, "Yes, Bhaiya?"

Rudra, without wasting words, simply said, "Please clean all of this up right now," and then walked out of the room.

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