Chapter 9

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Ruhi's POV

Vaidehi opened the main door and was about to go towards Rudra but bumped into the doorstep and let out a loud "Ouch!"

Rudra saw her and shook his head in disbelief as if to say, "Kuch nhi ho sakta iskaa."

Vaidehi quickly went up to him and said, "Come on now," while taking a seat in the passenger side of the car.

Rudra nodded, sat in the driver's seat, fastened his seatbelt, and started the car, backing out of the driveway. Throughout the ride, they remained silent.

Soon, they arrived at the "Malhotra mansion."

Rudra unfastened his seatbelt after turning off the engine, got out of the car, and slammed the door.

Vaidehi covered her ears and closed her eyes, mumbling, "I think they put some extra spice of anger in his food... No, I mean, this much anger??"
She came out from the car and said, "Don't worry, Vaidehi, we'll handle it," before running after him.

As they entered through the front door, everyone was there except Aashi and Aahan. It suddenly struck Vaidehi that she was in her nightwear. She tried to hide behind Rudra out of embarrassment, but he gave everyone a look and headed to his room, leaving Vaidehi behind.

Vaidehi stood there, feeling embarrassed, and gave everyone a fake, tight smile.
Everyone chuckled lightly, seeing her in that state.
She quickly wished everyone good night and headed to her room.

"What happened today was not good. Rudra needs to understand that Vaidehi is his wife now, and he has some responsibilities," Vikram said, clearly concerned.

"It's all happened so fast. Give him some time; he'll understand," Gayatri said, defending her dear Rudra.

"But Ma, Rudra is not a child. What will Vaidehi and her parents think? They waited for so long, and he didn't even show up," Sunaina said, supporting Vikram.

"You all seem to forget that he loved someone else before. It will take time for him to move on, and Vaidehi will have to make a place for herself in Rudra's heart," Gayatri stated firmly.

"But, Maa..." Sunaina was about to say, but Gayatri silenced her with an intense look.

"Complaining won't help. Do you have a solution?" Suraj chimed in, who had been quietly listening.

"Papa, I think the kids need some time alone. Spending time together might help them open up and develop an attachment slowly," Sunaina suggested.

"But how will he find time for that? Your dearest son leaves for the office in the morning and doesn't return until late at night. If it were up to him, he wouldn't even come home," Vikram complained.

"I have a solution," Sunaina replied, addressing Vikram's concern.

"What is it?" Vikram asked.

"Send them on a honeymoon somewhere far, away from the office. That way, Rudra will have some free time, and they'll be left with no option but to talk to each other," Sunaina suggested as the only solution.

"She's right. Book the tickets for them and surprise them. Because If you ask Rudra, he'll probably refuse," Suraj predicted.

"Yes, Papa, I'll arrange the tickets. I'll ask Aashi or Aahan to handle it the day after tomorrow," Sunaina said.

"Tomorrow, we have a puja at the temple to attend. It's after successfully finishing all the wedding functions. Ask Vaidehi to be ready by 10 in the morning," Gayatri informs sunaina

"Yes, maa, i will inform her in the morning," sunaina said

"Now go and sleep, and Sunaina, don't forget to call Priest in the morning," Gayatri said, and all went to their respective rooms

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