Chapter 15

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Hey, please, cancel the tickets—no, please," Ahaan pleaded.

"Sleep, or you'll miss the plane," Rudra warned as Ahaan dozed off.

"That's all I want, right," Ahaan mumbled.

"If you miss this, stay here. I won't book again, and I won't let anyone else do it. I might even lock all your debit cards, credit cards—everything. So, it's better to leave, understood?" Rudra said in a serious tone before sleeping on the other side.

Ahaan, recognizing Rudra's seriousness, stayed silent and slept peacefully.

An unfamiliar smile graced Vaidehi's lips, which is not ready to fade away.
His words echoed, "For you, it's 'bhabhi,' not Vaidehi." Yes, we want to and will do it peacefully once you leave.
She felt butterflies in her stomach, recalling his words for the umpteenth time.

Her name, "Vaidehi," sounded so fitting. She realized how pleasing it was coming from him.
she wants to hear her name from him again and again
Right now, her thoughts and feelings were beyond her control. With myriad thoughts, she eventually drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Ahaan departed without waking up Rudra. Just before taking off, he texted Rudra about his departure, but Rudra was aware of his every move.

Around 9 a.m., Rudra opened his room door upon hearing a knock.

"Hann?" he said, finding Vaidehi outside.

"Um, breakfast?" she asked.

"Tumhara ho gaya?" he inquired.

"Nope! I actually came to ask if you want to join..." she replied.

"Hnn, just two minutes," Rudra said and went inside.

After 2 minutes, they went for breakfast together. Rudra behaved well throughout

"So, where are we going today?" Vaidehi asked as soon as they finished breakfast.

"You say?" Rudra asked.

"Let's go; we will decide later," Vaidehi suggested. Both went to their room to change.

"Um, you can move into the room if you want," Rudra hesitantly proposed.

"Sure?" Vaidehi asked.

"If you want to, I'm not insisting," he said and shrugged.

A blissful smile adorned her lips when she went to Ahaan's room, saying, "Abhi leke aati hu vaise bhi unpack nahi kara tha maine"
(I'll bring it right now; besides, I haven't unpacked it yet)

"Hnn," saying this, he moved into the room.

For two days, they visited different places in Paris. Vaidehi didn't irritate him much, and he didn't express anger towards her. Playful fights occurred, and they both enjoyed it.

In the evening:

"You know, the Eiffel Tower looks amazing at night," Vaidehi said while picking up gifts for Aashi.

"And who told you?" Rudra asked.

"My friends, obviously," she replied, prompting an eye-roll from Rudra.

"Is this okay for Aashi and this one for Ahaan?" Vaidehi asked.

"Yeah, is it okay, and how many more gifts do you need?" Rudra inquired, being bored of shopping for everyone.

"This is the last one. Come on, let's quickly pay, then after dinner, we'll go see the Eiffel Tower," Vaidehi said, heading towards the counter with the items.

Rudra shook his head and followed her.

After dinner, they went for the Eiffel Tower.

"Isn't the view amazing?" Vaidehi said, admiring it.

"It's visible from the balcony of our room. What's so special?" Rudra said, teasing her.

"Both are different things, okay?" she responded, rolling her eyes.

"Our flight is tomorrow night, so we'll go see Disneyland during the day tomorrow." Vaidehi suggested.

Chhoti bachhi ho kya," Rudra said in that trending tone. {ig you all know that😂}
(Are you a little kid?)

"If it's about Disneyland, then yes, I am a kid. Happy now? Now, click some good photos of mine," she said, handing him her phone.

"Fine, go and pose," he said, sighing. She struck some poses, and he clicked some awesome photos.

"Wow, these are amazing photos," she said while swiping on the phone.

"Of course, they are. After all who clicled...." Rudra began, but before he could finish, Vaidehi interrupted, "Of course, what a fantastic camera quality. Obviously, good photos will come."

Rudra just gave her a glare, to which she chuckled.

"Hey budddhiii ke baal," she suddenly said.

"It's called cotton candy, gawaar aurat," he said.

"Whatever, now buy it to me," she said while moving towards the cotton candy.

Rudra shook his head and followed her.

After roaming around a lot, they were coming back to their hotel by walking because it was quite near.

Vaidehi was looking at her pictures.

Suddenly, she said, "This is so bad. You don't know how to take photos, huh?"

"Seriously? You good quality camera get credit for good photos, but for the bad ones, it's my fault? Wow," Rudra retorted.

"Yeah, that's how it is. It's your mistake," Vaidehi said, making a face.

"Na Na Na galti kisi ki nahi hai... uk jaisi shakal hoti hai vaise hi photos aate hai so inshot galti kisi ki nahi hai, tumhari shakal me hi problem hai" Rudra said
(No, no, no. It's not anyone's mistake. Your face is like that, so the photos come out like that. In short, it's not anyone's mistake; the problem is in your face)

"Wow, no shame in saying such things to your wife," Vaidehi said, a little angrily.

"There's no shame in speaking the truth," he replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"I don't want to talk to you," she said and moved inside as they reached the hotel entrance.

Rudra chuckled but didn't go after her. The next second, as he shifted his gaze in another direction, he saw two figures, and his smile faded instantly...

Hello, hello! First of all, I'm sorry for the delay. I've been a bit busy.

By the way, some of you haven't been leaving comments. Okay, feel free to comment on the story whenever you feel like it—it's up to you.

Now, I want to ask you a question, and I expect answers from each of you who is reading. So, my question is: "How did you come across this story? Was it randomly picked, suggested by someone, or because of a reel or anything else?
I'm curiously waiting for your answers.

The next part will be posted after we get 45+ votes and 20+ comments. Thank you! 🤗

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