Chapter-36: The First Division

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In the shadow of Romulus's newfound rule over Nuville City, a spark of resistance began to flicker. Vasuda Garudadri, undeterred by the shifting tides of power, had managed to assemble a formidable force, a clandestine Resistance that operated in the shadows.

She turned to the First Division of the Arcane Legion, a trio of formidable Ryoshis, each possessing unique and potent abilities. Among them were Belteshazzar, a man with the power to summon countless ethereal hands, wielding the Odic-Force with unparalleled mastery. Then there was Hadassah, a master of thread manipulation, her power extending to command the very elements through the threads she controlled.

Vasuda convened a secret meeting in a dimly lit room. Belteshazzar and Hadassah, had assembled there, fully aware of the dire circumstances they faced.

"The time has come for us to take action," Vasuda declared with unwavering resolve, her eyes shining with determination. "We cannot allow Romulus to continue his reign of darkness over our city."

Belteshazzar nodded solemnly, his powerful Odic-Force simmering just beneath the surface. "Agreed. The suffering of our people has gone on for far too long. It's time to put an end to this madness."

Hadassah, her expression filled with unwavering determination, spoke up as well. "I'm ready to do whatever it takes to free Nuville City from Romulus's grip."

As the two prepared to depart on their mission, Vasuda couldn't shake a growing concern that had been gnawing at her. She finally voiced it, a crucial question that hung heavy in the air.

"But where is Zerak?" Vasuda wondered aloud, her brow furrowing with worry. "He was supposed to accompany you on this mission."

Belteshazzar and Hadassah exchanged puzzled glances, clearly unaware of Zerak's whereabouts.

Belteshazzar scratched his head, his voice tinged with confusion. "Huh? I thought he was supposed to come with us."

Hadassah's expression mirrored Belteshazzar's bewilderment. "I haven't seen him since yesterday. He mentioned something about gathering information. Perhaps he'll catch up with us later?"

With time of the essence, Vasuda knew they couldn't afford to wait any longer. The fate of Nuville City rested heavily on their shoulders, with or without Zerak.

"Very well," Vasuda conceded, determination blazing in her eyes. "We can't delay any further. You both have to confront Romulus by yourselves."

"Gladly, Miss Vasuda." Belteshazzar responded with determination.

Romulus reclined in the lavish Collector's Office, relishing the newfound authority that coursed through his veins. It was a heady sensation, the feeling of being in control. Yet, his self-satisfaction was abruptly interrupted as two formidable figures entered the room.

"Hello there, Duplicate!" Belteshezzar taunted, a wicked grin playing on his lips.

Romulus scowled in response. "You must be the first division of Arcane Legion that Idiot has formed."

Belteshezzar's chuckle was laced with mockery as he retorted, "Don't you dare call Collector Remus like that."

Meanwhile, Hadassah, her eyes gleaming with determination, used her thread manipulation powers to swiftly bind Romulus, preventing him from making any sudden moves. Threads of elemental energy snaked around him, creating an intricate web of restraint.

Romulus, despite his predicament, maintained an air of smug confidence. "You shouldn't attack the Collector. You'll face consequences," he warned with a smirk. His powers, a stark contrast to Remus's, were rooted in anti-gravity, embodying the polar opposite of his twin brother's abilities.

As the battle erupted within the Collector's Office, Romulus found himself facing two formidable opponents: Hadassah and Belteshezzar, members of the Arcane Legion's First Division. What followed was a dazzling display of combat prowess, a dance of Odic-Force and elemental manipulation.

Romulus, his powers rooted in anti-gravity, used his abilities to maneuver gracefully through the air. He darted and weaved, evading the threads that Hadassah controlled with precision. Her threads, imbued with elemental energy, crackled with power as they sought to ensnare the rogue Collector.

Belteshezzar, on the other hand, summoned his unique ability – countless spectral hands materialized around him. Each ethereal appendage served as both a shield and a weapon. With a flick of his wrist, he sent the spectral hands hurtling towards Romulus, attempting to disrupt his graceful maneuvers.

Romulus countered with bursts of anti-gravity force, propelling himself out of harm's way. The room became a battleground of swirling threads, spectral hands, and Romulus's anti-gravity acrobatics.

Hadassah's eyes blazed with determination as she channeled her elemental mastery into her threads. She lashed out with streams of fire, water, and earth, attempting to overwhelm Romulus. Flames danced, water surged, and rocks soared through the air, all controlled by the threads that extended from her fingers.

Romulus, however, proved to be an adept adversary. His control over anti-gravity allowed him to defy the elemental onslaught, dodging and soaring above the attacks with unnatural grace.

Belteshezzar continued his relentless assault, manipulating his spectral hands to form barriers and launch quick strikes. Each strike resonated with Odic-Force, packing a powerful punch. Yet, Romulus's nimble movements allowed him to avoid the majority of these ethereal blows.

The battle raged on, the room a whirlwind of elemental forces, spectral hands, and Romulus's graceful maneuvers. It was a symphony of combat, a clash of powers, and a test of skill and determination.

As the confrontation intensified, Romulus's smirk never wavered. He relished the challenge, his dark powers and calculated tactics making him a formidable foe.

Romulus discovered an advantage against Hadassah and Belteshezzar, the two Ryoshis found themselves on the defensive. His mastery over anti-gravity gave him a distinct edge, allowing him to dart and glide through the air with unparalleled grace. The room crackled with elemental energy and spectral hands as Romulus weaved between their attacks, his smirk never fading.

However, just as it seemed that Romulus was about to land a finishing blow, a voice echoed through the chamber, dripping with a hint of arrogance and a touch of humor. "You two can't handle anything without me, can you?" The voice was accompanied by an air of confidence that was unmistakable.

Hadassah and Belteshezzar, though caught in a dire situation, couldn't help but roll their eyes in exasperation. "Of course, you had to make an entry like that," one of them quipped, the tone laced with both annoyance and relief.

And then, emerging from the shadows, Zerak stepped into view. His presence was commanding, his gaze unwavering as he assessed the situation. With a flourish, he summoned his Odic-Force, an aura of raw power enveloping him.

Without a moment's hesitation, Zerak unleashed a torrent of Odic-Force towards Romulus. The room became a blur as Romulus struggled to keep up with the sudden burst of speed and power. His movements, once fluid and confident, now became erratic as he tried to evade Zerak's relentless assault.

Confusion gnawed at Romulus's mind as he grappled with the inexplicable surge in Zerak's abilities. It was as if time itself had quickened, leaving Romulus struggling to react. Each attack from Zerak came like a lightning strike, a relentless barrage that left Romulus with no room to breathe, let alone counterattack.

The First Division Ryoshis seized the opportunity. Hadassah's threads danced through the air, weaving a complex pattern of elemental energy that ensnared Romulus. Belteshezzar's spectral hands closed in, forming a formidable cage around the rogue Collector.

Their teamwork was seamless, a testament to their training and camaraderie. Romulus, once brimming with confidence, now found himself trapped and overwhelmed. The room crackled with energy as the trio closed in, determined to put an end to Romulus's tyranny once and for all. The room fell into an eerie silence as the defeated Collector lay immobilized, his dark ambitions thwarted by the combined strength of the First Division.

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