Chapter-38: Contract Terminated...!!

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Ramaraju, his frustration palpable, began to close the distance between himself and Principal Sarvaga. The clash of their Odic-Forces had left its mark, and now it was time for a different kind of confrontation.

Sarvaga, ever the cunning manipulator, saw an opportunity to negotiate his way out of the perilous situation. He offered Ramaraju a choice, a way out of the impending battle that could cost him his position at NES.

"Ramaraju," Sarvaga began, his tone almost conciliatory, "there is no need for further bloodshed. I am willing to make a deal. You can terminate your contract, and I will leave NES for good. No harm will come to you, and you will be free to continue your life elsewhere."

Ramaraju, his aura still radiating anger and determination, considered Sarvaga's words carefully. The weight of the decision bore down upon him. He knew that even if he chose to confront Sarvaga by force, it would come at a great cost. The rules of NES were clear - harming a fellow staff member, even one as treacherous as Sarvaga, carried severe consequences.

Sarvaga watched Ramaraju closely, a sly smile playing at the corners of his lips. He believed he had cornered Ramaraju, forcing him into a no-win situation. But Ramaraju was not one to be easily manipulated.

Ramaraju's aura, which had been simmering with anger, began to dissipate. The room grew still as he contemplated his decision. He knew that choosing violence would only lead to his expulsion from NES, a fate he was not willing to accept. And so, he made his choice.

"If that's the case," Ramaraju declared, his voice steady and resolute, "then I'm hereby terminating the contract."

The words hung in the air, a decisive and irrevocable declaration. Sarvaga's smile faltered, replaced by a look of surprise and disbelief. Ramaraju had chosen to sever the ties that bound him to the NES, to free himself from the toxic influence that had plagued NES for far too long.

As Ramaraju made his choice, the tension in the room shifted. The battle that had seemed all but inevitable had been averted, but the consequences of his decision remained uncertain. Sarvaga, though momentarily taken aback, regained his composure.

"Very well," Sarvaga conceded, his voice laced with a bitter undertone. "Your contract is terminated. But remember this, Ramaraju, you have sealed your own fate. NES will not welcome you back."

As Sarvaga turned to leave, the weight of his defeat hung heavy upon his shoulders, a stark contrast to the steely resolve in Ramaraju's gaze. The room seemed to exhale, the tension of the impending battle dissipating like a passing storm. Ramaraju had made his choice, and he was prepared to accept whatever consequences lay ahead. He had taken a bold step toward breaking free from the oppressive grip of the past, determined to forge a new path.

However, as the echoes of their confrontation reverberated, a new presence entered the NES, surprising both Ramaraju and Sarvaga.

"Ramaraju?" a voice called out, filled with astonishment.

Ramaraju's eyes widened as he turned to face the unexpected visitor. "Principal Vasuda!" he exclaimed, disbelief and relief mingling in his voice.

Sarvaga, who had been on the verge of departing, paused in his tracks. He watched the reunion between Ramaraju and Vasuda with a sense of foreboding. Something had shifted, something he hadn't foreseen.

Vasuda Garudadri, her expression a mix of concern and curiosity, stepped further. She had returned to NES with a purpose, and now she found herself at the center of an unfolding drama.

"What is going on here?" Vasuda inquired, her gaze shifting from Ramaraju to Sarvaga, seeking answers.

Ramaraju, still reeling from the sudden turn of events, struggled to find words. It was Sarvaga who provided an explanation, his voice tinged with bitterness.

"Vasuda," he began, "Ramaraju has terminated his contract. He is no longer part of NES."

Vasuda's eyes narrowed as she processed this information. She had sensed a shift in the balance of power, and now it was becoming clear.

"What?" Vasuda said, her tone measured. "What are you talking about?"

Ramaraju took a deep breath, his determination unwavering. "Principal Vasuda, I could no longer tolerate the darkness that had taken hold of NES. Sarvaga's influence had grown too toxic. I chose to consider his offer, to break free from his oppression that had plagued this academy."

Vasuda nodded, her understanding evident. She had long been aware of the turmoil within NES, and Ramaraju's decision did not come as a complete surprise.

Sarvaga, realizing that his hold over NES was slipping away, added with a bitter twist to his words, "Vasuda, it seems you are back to take control once again."

Vasuda's response was firm. "Yes."

Sarvaga's defeat was evident as he turned to leave the room, his influence over the academy waning with each step. But before he exited, he delivered a final piece of news that would reshape the destiny of NES.

"Vasuda Garudadri," Sarvaga stated, "you are reinstated as the Principal of NES. However, Ramaraju no longer belongs to this academy."

With those parting words, Sarvaga departed, leaving behind a transformed NES and a path forward filled with uncertainty and hope.

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