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"He was being a dick again, wasn't he?" Leo said, voice low so only I could hear him as he followed behind me out the door. "I thought you were going to kick him any moment now, you know."

I couldn't help the small smile that spread my lips as I snuck one last look at the professor. His eyes were slightly narrowed at us as he watched us leave. I ignored him and turned back.

I wanted to kick him, alright. I couldn't believe I had a crush on that asshole.

"So, what was that about?" Leo asked as he was probably leading us toward where he'd parked his car.

Before I could say anything, a voice intervened, "Hey, what did the professor say?"

I looked up and found Hailey waiting near Leo's Porsche. I honestly didn't know if her joining us was a good thing or not at this moment.

"Hi, Leo." She smiled at him.

He just nodded his head at her before he returned his attention to me, waiting for me to answer her. Hailey's smile dimmed a little, but she also turned to me with an expectant look on her face.

I shrugged. "Just gave me a little shit about what happened."

Okay, that was definitely not a little, but she didn't need to know that.

"Ooh." She winced. "Was he too harsh?"

"He's Professor Carver," I replied dryly. "What do you think?"

"I still don't know what the hell's going on," Leo muttered.

"I nodded off during his class," was all the explanation I gave him.

He gave me a disapproving look as if to say you really have to start getting proper sleep at night. But he just said, "So?"

"Uh," I hesitated. "I'm not sure what exactly happened actually..."

Oh god, this was embarrassing. What could I even say?

Yeah, your brother was angry at me because I had a wet dream about him- you were in it, too, by the way- and then I might've moaned his name out loud in my sleep during his class.

I wanted to curl up into a ball and die.

I helplessly glanced at Hailey.

"Oh." She raised her eyebrows. "You said Leo's name a couple of times and also Professor Carver's once in your sleep. That was probably why Professor wanted a word with you I'm guessing." She paused for a moment before she rushed to explain, "I tried to wake you up, but you were literally dead to the world."

Leo had stiffened by the time Hailey had finished.

This was so much worse. I thought I'd only said Professor Carver's name before. Now Leo's too? That also in front of the whole freaking class?

"Well, thanks, Hailey," I thanked her for her efforts, even though she wasn't successful in waking me up. I gave her a tight smile, which was all I could muster up at that moment.

"I tried." She huffed out a little laugh. "Anyway, I gotta go now. We should meet up sometime later this week. You too, Leo." She winked at him, but he was looking at me. Didn't even as much as a glance in her direction.

Hailey must've been so disappointed in the lack of response she was getting from him. Any other time, I would've been annoyed at their interaction and the way he flirted with girls like Hailey without giving a damn that I was right there feeling like the third wheel. At that moment, though, I'd have been more than happy for his attention to be on her rather than on me.

Once Hailey was gone, Leo opened the door to the passenger's seat of his car. "Get in."

I tried to decipher the look on his face once we were inside the car. His face was unreadable to me as he started driving the car forward.

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