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"You're distracted," the man in front of me pointed out.

Damn right, I was distracted.

It was supposed to be a fucking joke. Nothing more. I was looking forward to teasing Kara, to seeing her glare at me as she flushed from head to toe. Hell, I was expecting her to throw it at me, but I couldn't have imagined her to be sitting naked with the toy inside her when I'd gone back.

Oh, she'd flushed all right, but for all the wrong reasons.

Or were they really wrong?

It didn't matter. I knew she would try her best to forget about it. She would try to avoid thinking and talking about it. She'd want things to go back to normal between us as if tonight had never happened.

But I sure as hell would never be able to forget anything about tonight. I'd forever keep replaying the sounds she made, the way she had looked at me, the way she had felt beneath me.

"I know you weren't expecting me today," he continued after a moment when I didn't say anything. "But I wouldn't have come here if it wasn't important."

I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on what Dad was saying instead of thinking about Kara. Having a hard-on right now as I sat in front of him was the worst thing that could happen. I needed to stop thinking about her. This wasn't the time for that. I knew how important this conversation was and knew I had to answer carefully. For that, I needed to focus on the damn conversation, but focusing on anything was too hard when I couldn't stop thinking about a certain brunette. The memory of her lying below me, quivering and moaning as she gyrated against my leg was too fresh in my mind to think about anything else.

I absentmindedly rubbed the spot on my leg where her core had been touching me with my thumb.

She had been a little too late to stop me when she practically threw herself at me in an attempt to stop me from starting the toy. The moment she landed on top of me as my hand went to her bare waist and I heard the low buzz of the toy, I knew. I was planning on getting out of there as soon as I could after that. But not before having a little fun. It was the first time I found her in such a situation, and I wasn't going to let her get away with it so easily.

So, I rolled us over until she was under me, half expecting her to shove me off her. I was just about to say something that was most probably going to annoy her, but then she started humping against my leg, and I lost it. I didn't think she was aware of what she was doing. Her eyes were glazed with lust, her mouth slightly open and her hair wildly splayed across the bed around her head. She didn't have a stitch of makeup on her face, yet she glowed in a way that made my throat run dry.

And then she made that noise- a small gasp before an involuntary moan while grinding herself harder against me.

The sound went straight to my cock, and I wanted to do nothing more than to cover her mouth with mine and feel her make those sounds against my lips. I wanted to reach down and feel the expanse of her thighs against my fingers, follow her curves until I reached her naked pussy. I wanted to touch her, explore her, and see just how deep inside her the toy was.

If it was some other girl, I would've already had my dick out and ready to pound into her. But this was Kara, so I didn't dare move. I didn't know what would make her come back to her senses and push me off before throwing me out of her room. I didn't want that to happen. I didn't want her to stop. Since this was Kara, my best friend, I knew how to rile her up when she told me to stop.

And it worked.

Soon, she was back to grinding herself against my high. I still hadn't touched her. I didn't want to be the one who made the move. I knew she was going to try to blame me later for everything that was happening, so I let it be her who did it. I let her chase her release and do all the work herself, so she knew she wanted this. Maybe riling her up that way didn't really make me all so innocent in this. But at least I wasn't the one grinding against her, no matter how much I wanted to let my erection brush against her thigh, too. It took all my fucking self-control to not smash my lips against her or touch her, but I managed it. I wasn't going to be the one to touch her. At least not until she asked me herself. I still couldn't stop myself from burying my face in her neck and letting her scent fill my lungs. When I knew she was getting close, I let my lips teasingly graze over her skin.

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