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I was in the middle of feeding the cats when I felt my phone vibrating. I instantly stopped my work and whipped it out, hoping Leo finally texted me after what had happened. But it was just my mom checking up on me like she did every few days. Deciding I would text her later after I got off work, I opened the thread of messages between Leo and me and stared at the last text he had sent me two days ago saying he'd be picking me up after my classes got over for the day.

Just do it and get it over with, I thought as I contemplated whether I should text Leo or not for the hundredth time in two days.

That's how long it had been since the night he had given me his gift. Two days. Surprisingly, we haven't been in contact since then either. I wasn't exactly looking forward to facing him after what happened, but I'd been hoping he would text me that night or I would find him waiting in his car outside my apartment when I'd left the next morning like usual. Leo had never just disappeared on me before like this, but it wasn't like what we did that night had ever happened between us either.

Okay, I might've also been avoiding him. I hadn't tried to contact him either. A part of me was kind of relieved he hadn't contacted me because that meant I didn't have to face him just yet.

But I also missed him. I had become so used to him just being there that it felt weird if he wasn't there. I wasn't used to going even a day without talking to him. After two days without Leo, I started feeling empty as if something major was missing from my life.

I wondered why he hadn't texted me yet. Did he want me to make the first move? Was he giving me time to think about everything that happened? Was he afraid things would never go back to the way they were before this? A part of me was afraid of the same, but honestly, I didn't think that would happen. Sure, it might be awkward for us when we next face each other, but I had no doubt it would go back to being normal between us soon. We would get past this.

Wouldn't we?

Snap out of it. It was just an accident. It didn't mean anything. I was horny, and he was right there. It just happened. It's not like we really hooked up.

Yeah, no. I just rode his leg like a bitch in heat and came all over his jeans without him even touching me.


I didn't want to think about what would've happened if we weren't interrupted by Leo's phone ringing.

"Who are you texting?" Lily asked as she came up behind me, a mop in one hand. Tucking a strand of her dark, shoulder-length hair behind her ear, she tried to peek at the screen of my phone over my shoulder.

I cleared my throat and pocketed my phone. "No one."

"You're blushing." She grinned and placed her hands on her hips as she came to stand beside me. "Who is it?"

"It's just Leo," I relented. "You know how he is."

"Yes, I know he's hot." She wiggled her eyebrows while a small smile played on her lips.

"What were you two wasting your time gossiping about while I was working?" Jason joined our conversation, wrapping an arm around Lily's waist.

"I've been working for far longer than you. I need a break," I told him. "And your girlfriend just called another guy hot."

"I'm talking about Leo." Lily shrugged, not looking guilty at all.

"Oh yeah, he's hot," he agreed before he sighed. "Too bad he's straight."

Lily turned to glare up at Jason.

"What? You can call him hot but I can't?" Jason pulled her closer to him. "Plus, he might be hot, but you're hotter."

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