15| PERI

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"Good morning, Ethan," I chirped back.

I wasn't really surprised my brother called me this early in the morning. He was an early riser. I wasn't usually, and he took full advantage of it. Back home, he used to wake me up early by disturbing me just to annoy me. He still did that sometimes by calling me early on the weekends. Only this was one of the very rare times that I was already up.

"You were already up."

I grinned when I heard the disappointment in his voice. "I was."

"How have you been?"

Ignoring his question, I asked, "Finally remembered you have a little sister?"

"Hey, you haven't called me either."

Well, that was true. I hadn't called him. I felt Leo's gaze on me as I got up to sit on the edge of the bed.

"You didn't come home for Thanksgiving or Christmas," I said in a small voice. "You said you would."

The last time we talked was when he called to say that he wouldn't be able to make it. I hadn't called him ever since. I guess Ethan knew I was mad at him for not showing up again. I was really looking forward to meeting him after so long.

He sighed. "I wanted to come, but something had come up. I couldn't help it, Peri."


He was the only one who called me that besides Mom. Ethan was the one to start with this nickname. He called me Peri, short for the color periwinkle. Sometimes, he would switch to Winkle, too.

When we were younger and used to play the game of colors, he said that I reminded him of the color periwinkle the most. It stuck around after that. Periwinkle is a delicate fusion of lavender and blue. The name comes from the flower of the same name that has petals in similar shades. When I asked him why periwinkle, he said that my aura, like the light hue, was tranquil and inviting. Its light blues paired with warmer purples represented the harmonious mixture of warmth and cool composure of my personality. That's all he had given me over the years.

But whenever I looked at the subtle blend of blue and lavender, a sense of serenity wrapped around me like a warm embrace. Its muted tones whispered of serene sunsets, quiet dawns, and happy moments shared together, instilling a calm introspection. There's certainly an undeniable harmony in the color.

I wasn't quite sure the color suited me, but it felt good knowing that he thought of me like that, nonetheless.

"It's been ages since we last met," I speak into the phone.

And I missed him. Like hell I was going to admit that to him, though.

"I know. I'll try my best to come home on your spring break, okay? I can't promise anything, though. I might get busy."

"Okay." I bit my lip, disappointed again at how he was always busy but still hopeful that he'd be able to make it this time. I knew he was trying his best, but sometimes his best didn't feel like enough. He was the one who used to take care of me when Mom wasn't home, which was most of the time. I used to spend more time with him than with anyone else before he went off to college to pursue a bachelor's degree in Political Science. After that, he went to Law School. We haven't had much time to spend together since then because he was always busy. He had just secured an entry-level position as an associate at a mid-sized corporate law firm, so he said he got too busy at the last moment to make it the last time. I was proud of him, but it still sucked not being able to meet him.

"I have to get going now," he sighed. He hesitated a moment before he said, "I promise I will try my best to come."

"I know." I smiled even though I knew he couldn't see me. It felt a little better after talking to him. "Bye, Ethan."

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