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Leo's hair tickled my cheek, and his breath tickled my ear as he buried his face in my neck. His hand on my back dipped lower, making a shiver run down my spine as my fingers tangled in his hair.

"I missed this," he murmured against my skin. "I missed you."

"Me too," I replied, a small smile gracing my lips.

I was supposed to be showing Leo how to make a simple pasta dish. It was Valentine's Day, and we wanted to be away from the thongs of lovey-dovey couples flooding the restaurants and every other public place tonight. It was also the first evening we'd both gotten some free time on our hands in days. So, I'd insisted on showing Leo how to cook something simple since he couldn't cook to save his life.

Apparently, Leo had other plans. One moment, he was clumsily chopping vegetables, and the next, he had spun me around and perched me up on the only empty spot of the kitchen counter with a playful glint in his bright blue eyes.

The cool wood offered a stark contrast to the heat rising within me. I wrapped my legs around Leo's waist, pulling his body flush against mine. He lifted his head, and his warm hand cupped the nape of my neck. A slow smile played on his lips as his gaze dropped to my mouth. Before I could object and tell him to get back to work, his lips were on mine, soft and warm. The way he moved his lips and tongue against mine made me remember the way his mouth felt when he was between my thighs, making my core throb with need.

With one hand still on my nape, his other hand went under my shirt, skimming over my stomach until it came to rest beneath my breast. I instinctively arched into him, wanting more of his touch.

I caught my breath when he pulled away from my mouth, his eyes burning with the same intensity that I was still not used to. But before I could even register the shift, he lifted up my shirt over my head, leaving me in just my bra and jeans. Then, his lips were at my neck, his touch sending shivers down my spine. His hand went to my bra and pulled the cup down to expose my breast. My eyes closed on their own accord as his mouth worked against the sensitive spot of my neck while his fingers tweaked my exposed nipple, making me gasp and wetness pool between my thighs.

My head fell back, giving him better access to my neck as he continued his assault on my senses. His lips traveled down, leaving a trail of hot kisses along my collarbone before he went lower and took my pebbled nipple in his mouth.

A strangled moan left me as my eyes flew open at the sensation of his teeth biting down on my sensitive flesh, sending a shot of fire to my core.

That's when a flicker of movement in the corner of my eye caught my attention. I tensed as words got caught in my throat. Standing in the doorway, framed by the warm glow of the kitchen light, was Professor Carver.

I'd completely forgotten that he was probably in the house too. His dark hair, usually perfectly styled, was ruffled, and his casual, rumpled clothes hinted at a relaxing evening at home. His green eyes, the same ones that had me captivated in my dream that I'd had in his lecture the other day, were wide with a mix of shock and something else that I couldn't decipher. The dream I'd had that day, the one where he'd walked in on us in a similar state, slammed into my mind with terrifying clarity.

Only this time, this wasn't a dream.

A primal jolt of electricity shot through me as our eyes locked. A silence stretched between us for a long moment. He stood there, watching. And I felt his eyes on me like a physical caress, leaving trails of fire across my bare skin.

My gaze flickered to the man kissing my breasts, who was oblivious to the whole situation. Eyes darting back to Professor Caver, I felt a tremor run through me when Leo's touch intensified. I tried to tear my gaze away from the professor, but my eyes were unwilling to cooperate, and my breath caught in my throat. Time seemed to slow to a crawl, each tick of the clock a hammer blow against my already pounding heart.

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