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I was trying my best to not look affected by the hand resting on my thigh under the table. I'd say I was managing pretty well even though the four shots I've had in the past half hour were making that hard for me. I was already feeling pretty good and buzzed. If Leo moved his hand any higher, I wouldn't be able to keep my face straight anymore. I didn't know how I hadn't already given ourselves away.

I gritted my teeth together when Leo's thumb started caressing my thigh just a few inches from my core.

"Are you okay, Kara?" he asked with a small smirk. "Your face is all red."

I gave him a tight smile. "I'm good. It's probably just the drinks catching up."

The jerk was enjoying this too much.

We'd decided to meet Hailey at a club. More precisely, one of the most expensive and popular clubs in our town. Another perk of having a filthy rich best friend. If it weren't for him, we could've never gotten inside the club or gotten one of the booths in the VIP area.

A moment after we'd sat down at the booth, Leo had rested his hand on my thigh. He was sitting beside me while Lily, Jason, and Hailey sat opposite us.

I was wearing a dress that ended just a little above mid-thigh, so his hand was resting on the bare skin of my thigh. I had tried removing his hand at first, but of course, failed. If I tried to slap his hand away, he just slapped my thigh in return. When I'd grabbed his wrist and tried pushing, he'd just squeezed his hand and refused to let go.

I gave up soon after, sitting back with a huff and my arms crossed. My thighs were squeezed shut, though. Like hell I would spread my legs open for him here, no matter how much he tried to pry them open. He hadn't really tried till now, but I didn't trust him because, over the past 30 minutes, his hand had already glided up halfway under my dress.

It was turning really hard to focus on what was going on with the way he was moving his thumb over my thigh. Lily and Hailey were chattering about something animatedly, trying to talk over the loud music, but I couldn't care any less at the moment.

"Who wants to dance?" Jason interrupted the two girls, raising his voice to be heard by all of us above the music.

"I want to dance!" Lily exclaimed almost immediately and stood up. She was as buzzed as me by now.

"I'd like to dance too." Hailey stood up too before looking over at us.

Just as I opened my mouth, Leo's hand skated higher. My breath hitched, and my eyes widened as I snapped my mouth shut to prevent myself from doing something embarrassing like squeaking.

"We're coming," he replied for me.

I turned to glare at him. He grinned at me and finally removed his hand from my thigh. Standing up and grabbing my hand, he dragged me to the dance floor behind him.

I could only imagine what dancing with Leo would be like now. Ever since his demo, everything with him feels different. Especially after what we had decided.

We had discussed his proposal yesterday after I was up. I agreed with his proposition. Because who doesn't want good sex every once in a while with someone they trust but know there most probably won't be any complications that come with actually getting attached to someone? But we had also come up with a few rules:

1) We would stop if anyone wanted to or if anyone found someone, even though I doubted that was going to happen anytime soon.

2) We were also free to be with other people if we wanted. This was casual after all.

3) We would tell each other if anything was bothering us. Communication and trust were everything in any kind of relationship.

4) We weren't going to tell people about our deal. We decided it was better that way. We knew people would have many questions and most of them would be confused since this was a very surprising turn of events after all. Telling people might make things very difficult for us. We weren't exactly hiding it, but we weren't announcing it either.

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