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I didn't like Leo's taste in women.

Just like how I didn't like the brunette glaring at me from where she had taken her seat at the far end of the couch while I sat in an armchair.

We hadn't spoken more than a word to each other. The moment she had opened the door, I had greeted her politely, if not very enthusiastically with a "Hey."

She had just frowned at me in return. I hadn't bothered talking to her after that, not even asking her name. I knew she was going to be trouble. The way she had greeted me earlier was enough to let me know she was going to be one of those girls who usually gave us a hard time the morning after. I had no idea why she was still here or why Leo hadn't kicked her out already- I guessed he was still sleeping- but she would be gone soon anyway.

"Who are you?" she asked now, glaring at me as if I was her worst enemy as she folded her arms over her chest.

I looked up from my phone, which I had been playing on since the moment I had made myself comfortable on the chair, completely ignoring her. Which, I'm sure, had just aided in making her more frustrated with me.

I honestly couldn't care less at this point.

"Just a friend of Leo's," I replied and went right back to my phone, hoping she wouldn't go where I thought she was going.

"Just a friend?"

I shrugged, not bothering to respond to that. How long was Leo going to take? We had plans, and he was already late. We had planned on getting breakfast together and then going to the art-supply store. The classes of the spring semester were starting tomorrow, and I had a few supplies to buy. Leo had said he'd come with me, even though he had no use in coming with me. He was majoring in theatre after all, and I was majoring in art.

I was actually fine waiting for Leo. It wouldn't be the first time he had kept me waiting. I was habituated to it. But the problem was this- I knew what was coming next, and I didn't want to start my morning off by having a completely pointless conversation with a girl who thinks she was or could be something more to Leo after just spending a night with him.

It was obvious why she would want to have that conversation and blame me for something I was far from guilty for. They all saw me as a potential threat; an obstacle in their way of getting to Leo. This brunette probably had also decided I was an obstacle, hence her enemy, even though she didn't know a thing about Leo or me.

Alright, maybe she knew a thing or two about him that I didn't, but that was irrelevant at the moment. Or maybe not. Because apparently, those couple of things that she knew about Leo was enough to make her want something more with him.

"What kind of friend?" she asked, her tone nothing short of condescending.

I closed my eyes briefly before replying, "The kind who stays for more than a night."

There was a beat of silence. "So, you've fucked him too?"

I raised a brow. That was a little too forward, but then again, it wouldn't be the first time someone had asked me that. I've had worse things asked by girls like her anyway. This had happened so many times in the past three years since I've known Leo that nothing should come as a surprise with these girls anymore. But it still never failed to surprise me somehow.

I finally put my phone away and looked at her. At least she was wearing her own clothes instead of prancing around in Leo's shirt, practically naked. I didn't think she was wearing any makeup either. If she did have any on, it was the bare minimum. Not like she looked like she needed much makeup anyway. It was beyond me how she managed to look like this after staying the night.

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