Chapter 24

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I was quite shocked to hear about what went down at the dinner but I was even more shocked by the fact that Isaac never told me anything about it.

Ethan told me how Phil confessed everything to Isaac and Ethan which means atleast now Isaac knows I didn't marry him for money, or atleast I hope he does, from the beginning til now I never once thought about the financial benefits that would come with being Isaac's wife, if that were the case I would have said yes to marrying him a long time ago.

Losing Tyler was hard enough but losing dad was like the final nail at the coffin, I lost my sanity and said yes to something I should have stayed away from... I exhale loudly and shut the novel I was reading, I'm in no mood to read about Count Dracula right now.

I don't know where Isaac vanished after he got that phone call but he seemed to be in a good mood today, maybe he's happy that the cat is finally out of the bag... now Ethan and Phil both know that he'd be divorcing me after six months and that must be a relief for him, the only person who doesn't know yet is my mother and I feel a wave of guilt course through me as I remember her face and how she tried to talk to me about Isaac, she knows that something is wrong but I don't have it in me to tell her that her assumptions are right, she's already been through a lot and I would never want to add to her problems.

The bedroom door flew open suddenly and I jumped in shock, it was just Isaac though "You scared me" I said keeping a hand on my heart.

He didn't say anything but looked at me with a gloomy expression on his face, he marched towards me and my heartbeat picked up, I don't trust him when he's angry like this, gosh I don't trust him even when he's normal.

"You talked to Ethan and never told me about it?" he asked in an angry tone, keeping my book aside, I stood up trying to appear equal when in reality I felt so weak infront of him.

His hands were fisted on both sides and there was this dangerous look on his face that told me to run away from him but I'm done with this attitude of his, I haven't done anything wrong and there's no need for me to run away from him.

"And why exactly should I tell you about it?"

"You go on and talk behind my back-" I cut him off mid sentence "You have a really fucked up idea of what going behind one's back means, Ethan and I are good friends and if I want to, I will talk to him or anyone else I want, you're not my owner please remember that!" I stated in an angry tone, the day isn't far when he'll accuse me of having an affair with his brother and I won't let that happen.

"Besides you never cared to tell me about what went down at the dinner between your aunt and Phil" I added and he scoffed.

"And why should I care?" he asked sardonically which only added fuel to my anger.

"You know what I'm done. I can't deal with you or this arrangement between us for six whole months, I don't care what my mom will think and now that Phil and Ethan know everything, I think it will be easier for us to get a divorce, I'm sure Phil will understand that me spending six months with his son would be too much for the both of us" I said in one go, I was breathless and there was this anger raging within me wanting an out.

"Okay" he said, his voice dangerously low, his eyes bore into mine and the look on his face scared me, Isaac wouldn't let this go easily, I know it because I know him and his obsession with besting others.

He turned around and left without saying anything else but I had a feeling he'd come back with bad news.

I don't know how my life got this complicated but I hate it, I hate the shitty situation that I'm in and I can't wait to get out of it, I know mom will understand, after seeing her so concerned about my and Isaac's relationship I'm sure she wouldn't want her daughter to suffer.

It wasn't until midnight that Isaac finally came back, the loud bang with which he shut the bedroom door behind him after entering the room was enough to wake the entire neighborhood up, he was angry and ready to take it out on me, I sighed and prepared myself for his wrath, I had it coming I guess.

"I'll divorce you on one condition" he stated and my throat went dry, I don't like this.

"And what's that?" I tried to match his voice but I know it came out shaky as hell, Isaac's anger is scarier than the scary movies I used to watch as a teenager.

My mind has officially gone bonkers

"You'll have to refrain from dating or marrying someone for three years after divorcing me" he said in a casual tone knowing very well the impact it would have on me.

"What the fuck Isaac?! I can't do this, this is absurd, you can't stop me from seeing other people. You've gone insane!" I kept babbling out words in anger while he stood there with a victorious grin on his face, what is this man upto?

"Bingo" he said sitting down on the other side of the bed.


"I knew it, I knew you wouldn't agree to this because you have a lover waiting for you" he stated loosening his tie as I sat there stunned by his words, how can he say this? He knows the shit I've been through and yet has the audacity to accuse me of something like this?

I wouldn't have minded his condition but I'm tired of feeling empty, I want to step out and take my chances, I literally don't have anything to lose, and I don't want to sit and wallow in self pity, I want to find someone I can rely on and I'm ready to take the chances... three years is a long time, I can't wait that long, it's ridiculous and even Isaac knows it.

I take a few deep breaths and try to calm my self, I have to be careful, if I want to get out of this mess then I have to make sure I don't make Isaac any more furious than he already is.

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